Halo Infinite is now out and the next step of Master Chief's journey is ready for all players to enjoy. There's a lot new with the latest installment in the Halo franchise including new collectibles and an open-world structure that while it's been dabbled with before in some of the larger scale Halo maps has never been done on this level. In this Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives Collectibles Guide, we'll explain how to get all of the Forerunner Archives Collectibles Guide available to you.
Collecting all of the Forerunner Archives won't just fill up more of your database adding seven new Audio Logs to your collection, but will earn you the following achievements:
- Eld Aficionado Achievement - Scan a Forerunner Artifact
- Haruspis Achievement - Scan all seven Forerunner Artifacts
Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives - Artifact I
Region: Connections
This Artifact can be found in the Connections region of the map. Locate where Harpoon Squad is getting ambushed. From there head slightly South-East, just to the West of a small body of water. You'll find the Artifact here.
Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives - Artifact II
Region: Connections
This Artifact can be found to the South-East of Outpost Terminus. Look for the large body of water that is in a relatively flat part of the map. This Artifact can be found on the Northern Shore.
Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives - Artifact III
Region: Lockdown
Head to the peak of the mountain to the South West of Ransom Keep. It will be a large ring glowing with blue energy.
Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives - Artifact IV
Region: Lockdown
Head to the peak of the tallest mountain to the North-East of FOB Golf.
Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives - Artifact V
Region: Reformation
From FOB Juliet head up the mountain to the North-East. Just to the West of the peak of the mountain you'll find this Artifact.
Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives - Artifact VI
Region: Reformation
From FOB Hotel head North West towards the Mjolnir Locker waypoint that's to the North of Fortune Squad. There's a lot of Banished in this area, continue through them to the end of the running water and where the waterfalls of the ring to the North you'll find this Artifact.
Halo Infinite Forerunner Archives - Artifact VII
Region: Reformation
From FOB November travel north and follow the path to the left where it splits to go around the mountain. You'll find it along this path.
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