Our guide to Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds tells you how to unlock Portal Worlds, how to prepare for them, and which renewable resources can be found inside.
A big part of Abiotic Factor is traveling through portals and exploring other dimensions. These "Portal Worlds" lead to unique resources, new crops for farming, and more — read on to learn about all of the Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds!
How Portal Worlds Work
Portal Worlds are other dimensions outside of the GATE Facility in Abiotic Factor. These are smaller, self-contained levels that will often have unique enemies and resources. These Portal Worlds reset periodically, meaning that any resources you find inside of them can be renewably farmed.
Every Portal World has an entrance somewhere in the GATE facility. Typically, these entrances are locked behind closed doors or disabled machinery. Once active, you can step into the portal to enter the Portal World.
You will always enter a Portal World at the same place. Most (but not all) Portal Worlds will have a portal at the entrance that will immediately take you back. All Portal Worlds also have exit Portals that will typically deposit you at a different location near the entrance portal. Sometimes, going through a portal is necessary to progress deeper into the facility.
Some Portal Worlds have unique environmental hazards or special situations. The Mycofields, for example, is flooded with an oppressive heat that will give you a debuff unless you're wearing protective equipment. Others may require solving a puzzle to successfully exit the Portal World such as the Furniture Store.
Aside from using them to progress in the game, the most valuable use of Portal Worlds is their ability to reset. A reset will cause all resources, items, and creatures to respawn, although there may be slight variations in item placement.
You can build in Portal Worlds and even have your base inside of them. Any structures you build in a Portal World will not be removed once the Portal World is reset. This means that you can safely build small crafting bases (or even a main base) inside of a Portal World.
When Do Portal Worlds Reset?
Portal Worlds slightly after midnight (00:00) on the first and fourth days of the week as shown on your Wristwatch. It can be easy to miss the reset messages, so pay attention to the PA and text announcement!
This will be accompanied by an announcement in the PA system and a text message. Any portal worlds with players inside of them at the reset time will not reset and this will be mentioned in a text message in-game.
All Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds and Their Resources
Here is a list of all of the Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds, how to unlock them, and the resources that you can find inside. This list is divided by the sectors of the GATE Facility and listed in the order that you'll unlock them.
This list excludes the easter egg Portal Worlds that don't have any meaningful resources in them.
Office Sector Portal Worlds
These are the Portal Worlds that can be found in the Office Sector.
Far Garden
Far Garden is the first Portal World that you'll visit. You need to go through Far Garden in order to get to the third floor and unlock the elevator to the right of Reception; this will permanently open up a path to Flathill and the third floor of the Offices Sector.
How to Unlock Far Garden
You can unlock Far Garden by crafting 1 Energy Brick, going up to Reception from the Office Sector Plaza, turning left toward Security, and opening up the sealed gate. Go up the elevator and you'll find the portal to Far Garden a short distance away.
You'll find an Iodine Tablet and a Hazardous Materials Suit on the walkway leading up to the portal. Equip the Hazardous Materials suit before going through. If you need to escape Far Garden, you will be able to return to the portal room by taking the entrance portal near where you spawn into Far Garden.
Far Garden is a fairly short experience; you'll only encounter 2 or so "Exor" aliens as you explore it. When you reach the exit, you'll be deposited on top of some yellow piping on the third floor. Make your way to "Lift Access" and you can unlock the elevator back down to the second floor of the Offices Sector.
Far Garden Renewable Resources
- Anteverse Wheat
- Antelight Seed (rare drop from scrapping Anteverse Wheat)
- Forklift Replica Collectible
- Geiger Counter
- Raw Exor Heart (from killing Exors)
- Raw Alien Drumstick (from killing Exors)
Far Garden Hazards
The only hazards in Far Garden are 2 Exor aliens and ambient radiation. Equipping a Hazardous Materials Suit will protect you from 90% of incoming radiation, but you won't be at much risk since there's no need to spend a lot of time in this area (unless you're fishing).
Far Garden Exit Buff
Hygroscopic: Your body is absorbing moisture from the air, slowing your thirst for a while.
Flathill is the first "true" Portal World that you'll encounter; it has multiple unique enemies, puzzles to solve, and a multi-part objective. Though it may seem frightening during your first trip, you'll likely return here several times for a renewable source of Power Cells.
How to Unlock Flathill
You can unlock Flathill by completing Far Garden to open up access to the third floor of the Offices Sector. Then, you'll need to craft a Keypad Hacker after you get the recipe from a nearby scientist to open up the door to the Flathill Portal.
Flathill is bathed in fog and occupied by hostile aliens who will attempt to kill you on sight. Using stealth (or simply running away) is strongly advised as the largest enemies are completely immune to any damage.
Your main objective will be to collect 3 Power Cells, each of which opens up a portal to another area in the Portal World. The third and final Power Cell will open up an exit portal that will deposit you elsewhere in the Office Sector. Power Cells are used in many important crafting recipes such as batteries, and you will likely want to make many return trips in the future.
Flathill has a number of locked doors and gates that can be unlocked from the other side once you reach it (such as the ladders to various roofs). These will make it easier to move around Flathill in subsequent visits, so you should always try to unlock them if you can. Keep in mind that Symphonists will begin to spawn after you've completed Flathill the first time.
This Portal World is an essential renewable source of Power Cells, Tomato Seeds, Salt, and Canned Peas.
Flathill Renewable Resources
- 9mm Ammo
- Book
- Box of Screws
- Cafeteria Tray
- Canned Peas
- Case Fan
- Circuit Board
- Cloth Scrap
- Coil
- Composer Figurine Collectible
- Cooking Pot
- Desk Lamp
- Desk Leg (from destroying furniture)
- Desk Phone
- Duct Tape
- Enethiol
- Flashlight
- Frying Pan
- Giga Glue
- Glass Scrap
- Hazardous Materials Suit
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Keyboard
- Knife
- Magazine Stand
- Magazines
- Metal Pipe
- Metal Scrap
- Military M.R.E.
- Money
- Nachos
- Oil
- Paper Scrap
- Pens
- Plastic Scrap
- Potato (chance to be found in fridges)
- Power Cell
- Power Supply Unit
- Pressure Gauge
- Rubber Band Ball
- Salt
- Standing Lamp
- Stapler
- Tech Scrap
- Tomato (chance to be found in fridges)
- Tomato Seed
- Wood Plank
Flathill Hazards
There are only two hazards in Flathill to worry about: Composers and Symphonists. Composers are gigantic white alien creatures that slowly walk around the town until they spot you and Symphonists are smaller, more agile versions of the Composer that can be killed.
Composers are completely invulnerable as of version They will swipe at you with your hands and cause a fair amount of damage. If you take too much damage or don't get away fast enough, they will pick you up and eat you, instantly killing you. They should be avoided at all costs; learning the map and using stealth is the best way to avoid them.
Symphonists, on the other hand, can be killed. They'll drop Porcelain Keys to open Cacophonus Crates and various other crafting materials to make a special armor set. However, they have a lot of health and they are best dealt with from range with powerful weapons and/or with help from your friends.
Flathill Exit Buff
Fog Brain: Your stamina drains at a slower rate, for a time.
Manufacturing West Sector Portal Worlds
The Manufacturing West Sector only has one meaningful Portal World in it called "The Train." The Train is fairly short compared to some of the other Portal Worlds you'll encounter, but it's inarguably one of the most important due to the resources that regenerate in it.
The Train
The Train is exactly what it says on the tin — a train moving along railroad tracks. However, this train is traveling on an infinite plain of grass heading to nowhere in particular.
How to Unlock The Train
You can unlock The Train by progressing through the Manufacturing West Sector until you reach the far side of the Synchrotron through the Mines. From there, you'll meet with some scientists who will ask you to get supplies from The Blacksmith.
The Blacksmith, in turn, will tell you that he'll trade you for the supplies you need. Some of the items he wants can only be found on The Train; he will subsequently give you the crafting recipe for a Tram Key. That will open up the curved door leading to the western Manufacturing West Tram and the portal to The Train.
Moving through the Train is fairly straightforward; you simply need to move from car to car. You'll find a handful of Order soldiers throughout, but you shouldn't have to fight any more than 2 or 3 at a time as long as you eliminate them as you come across them.
The end portal for The Train is located at the rear of the final car. You may be tempted to ride along the roof; be aware that there is one of those cloaked alien creatures standing atop the car. You should also take care not to fall off the sides as that will be an instant death.
When you've reached the end, you'll be deposited very close to the Tram that takes you back to the Office Sector Plaza. You can take that Tram and then take the Tram to the Blacksmith to quickly trade for the items you need to activate the Syncrotron and open up access to the Cascade Laboratories Sector.
It's important to note that The Train is probably the best source of renewable Rebar in the game; you can get at least 4 or 5 pieces with every reset. If you use anything that requires Rebar (such as the Grinder), you'll want to make sure to visit this place regularly.
The Train Renewable Resources
- .357 Magnum Ammo (from killing Order soldiers)
- 9mm Ammo (from killing Order soldiers)
- Anvil
- Axle Grease
- Box of Screwws
- Briefcase
- Canister (from scrapping Fire Extinguishers)
- Canned Peas
- Captain's Beret (from killing Order soldiers)
- Car Battery Charger
- Case Fan
- Chain
- Circuit Board
- Cloth Scrap
- Coil
- Construction Lights
- Cracked Shoulder Light
- Duct Tape
- Exquisite Chain (from scrapping Pocket Watches)
- Fire Extinguisher
- Frag Grenade (from killing Order soldiers)
- Giga Glue
- Glass Scrap
- Grinder Disc
- Hose
- Human Arm (Military) (from killing Order soldiers and dismembering them)
- Human Skull (from killing Order soldiers and dismembering them)
- Keyboard
- Leather Scrap (from killing Order soldiers)
- Medic Helmet
- Metal Scrap
- Military Electronics (from killing Order soldiers)
- Military M.R.E. (from killing Order soldiers)
- Military Pack (from killing Order soldiers)
- Money
- Montese SMG (from killing Order soldiers)
- Order Helmet (from killing Order soldiers)
- Paper Scrap
- Plastic Scrap
- Pocket Watch
- Power Supply Unit
- Radio Pack (from killing Order soldiers)
- Rebar
- Sconce Lamp
- Silver
- Sledgehammer
- Steel Cable
- Talagi Magnum (from killing Order soldiers)
- Tech Scrap
- Tiny Gears (from scrapping Pocket Watches)
- Train Replica
- Wood Plank
The Train Hazards
The only major hazards on The Train are approximately six Order soldiers and a single cloaked alien on the roof. Other than that, there are a handful of environmental dangers such as a laser in one of the train cars, some radiation from spilled waste, and instant death from falling off the train.
The Train Exit Buff
Steam Powered: You move faster for a while, thanks to the power of steam.
Cascade Laboratories Sector Portal Worlds (The Labs)
The Cascade Laboratories Sector has three Portal Worlds within its border. You can find some unique useful items between the three of them, although only one of the worlds is truly necessary for progressing the story.
Furniture Store
The Furniture Store is a massive two-story shop with a basement and a wide selection of furniture. Unfortunately, all of the lights are off and there are zombies that want to eat you.
How to Unlock The Furniture Store
You can unlock the Furniture Store by progressing through the Cascade Laboratories and disabling the security turrets on the topmost floor. You will then be able to head deeper into Containment Block Helmholtz.
As the name implies, the Furniture Store is filled with various types of furniture. There are a couple of unique weapons and a shield here, but for the most part, nothing in here really affects the game. This is, however, an excellent place to visit if you're looking for decorations for your base.
The Furniture Store is one of the rare Portal Worlds that does not have a portal that allows you to instantly turn back around. Instead, you'll have to find 5 randomly placed buttons throughout the facility and activate them all to power up the elevator. The elevator will take you up to the third floor where you can find the exit portal.
Each button you press will cause more and more zombies to start spawning. The buttons are randomly placed with every reset, so there's no way of knowing where they are without looking. It is advisable to start from the basement and work your way upstairs as the basement has much less room to move around and you can be quickly overwhelmed by zombies.
Once you've completed the Furniture Store, you'll be deposited on an upper floor of the Cascade Laboratories. You can go into an elevator to make your way back downstairs.
The Furniture Store is a good source of refrigerators if you need more storage for your food. You can also find decent quantities of Enethiol, Hydrochloric Acid, Potatoes, Salt, and Tomatoes within the various kitchen areas spread throughout the store.
It's advisable to bring a Personal Teleporter on subsequent return trips. Zombies will not spawn if no buttons are pressed, so you can safely loot the entire Furniture Store and teleport out rather than solving the button puzzle.
The Furniture Store Renewable Resources
- Bio Scrap (from killing Zombies)
- Book
- Cane Sword
- Canned Peas
- Case Fan
- Circuit Board
- Cloth Scrap
- Coil
- Desk Lamp
- Desk Phone
- Duct Tape
- Enethiol
- Giga Glue
- Glass Scrap
- Hose
- Human Skull (from killing Zombies)
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Keyboard
- Kite Shield
- Knife
- Magazines
- Metal Pipe
- Metal Scrap
- Money
- Mug of Coffee
- Paper Scrap
- Plastic Scrap
- Potato
- Power Supply Unit
- Pressure Gauge
- Refrigerator
- Rubber Band Ball
- Salt
- Standing Lamp
- Stapler
- Sword
- Tech Scrap
- Test Tube
- Tomato
- Umbrella
The Furniture Store Hazards
The most immediate hazard in the Furniture Store is the darkness — it is nigh impossible to navigate the store without some kind of flashlight. You can, however, turn on the Standing Lamps (or move them around) for a permanent (albeit limited) source of light.
Zombies will begin to spawn as you push buttons for the button puzzle. They will infinitely spawn until you leave and the Portal World resets. Each pressed button increases the spawn rate of zombies; you can eventually end up having to fend off 20 or more at a time.
The Furniture Store Exit Buff
Fire Sale: You can carry more weight for a while and can't become fully encumbered.
The Mycofields
The Mycofields is the second of the Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds that is set in Anteverse II, a wholly alien environment. This place is filled with lots of deadly alien creatures and you are surrounded by oppressive heat from lava pools.
How to Unlock The Mycofields
You can unlock The Mycofields by disabling the security turrets on the top floor of the Cascade Laboratories and killing the Tarasque in the area near the Furniture Store. You can then use the Tarasque Ichor to repair the portal to The Mycofields.
The Mycofields is a dangerously hot Portal World; you'll need to trade an Air Compressor for a Fire Proximity Suit at The Blacksmith in the Manufacturing West Sector. It's also advisable to bring a Lab Mask to protect you from the spores.
There are several hostile aliens that can be found throughout The Mycofields. This makes the area an ideal source of alien food ingredients such as Carbuncle Mushrooms and Exor Arms.
Small bugs can also be found standing near tiny dens. Sneaking up on them and killing them will give you Carapace, an essential item for crafting better equipment and furniture.
The Anteverse Gel found within The Mycofields is a critical component in Antethermite, an item that can be used to burn away the alien growth at the Vacuum Chamber door, the Laser Labs, and elsewhere.
You will need 10 pieces of Anteverse Gel to make one Antethermite, and you will need several units of Antethermite to open up all of the sealed doors in the GATE Facility. Expect to make multiple trips to this location.
It is a good idea to craft and place storage or an armor stand near the portal and place a Fire Proximity Suit and Gas Mask on it; you can easily leave your normal gear behind and swap it out before you go into The Mycofields.
The Mycofields Renewable Resources
- 9mm Ammo
- Anteverse Gel
- Anteverse Wheat
- Bio Scrap (from killing enemies)
- Carapace
- Carbuncle Mushroom (from killing enemies)
- Chain
- Construction Lights
- Exor Arm (from killing enemies)
- Exor Quill (from killing enemies)
- Green Antelight
- Military M.R.E.
- Mushroom Peccary Skull (from killing enemies)
- Peccary Skull (from killing enemies)
- Raw Alien Drumstick (from killing enemies)
- Raw Carbuncle (from killing enemies)
- Raw Exor Heart (from killing enemies)
- Raw Peccary Chop (from killing enemies)
- Raw Pest (from killing enemies)
- Raw Pest Rump (from killing enemies)
- Rope Plant Seed
The Mycofields Hazards
The most immediate hazard in The Mycofields is the heat; it will give you a severe debuff unless you have a Fire Proximity Suit to protect yourself. The lava will also damage you (or any of the aliens) that fall into it rather quickly.
Heat and lava aside, The Mycofields is populated with over a dozen different alien creatures. They tend to stick together and you should expect to fight two or three of them at a time; make sure you're well-prepared for combat before you enter!
The Mycofields Exit Buff
Medi-Shroom: Fungal metabolites regenerate your health, for a time.
Rise is an easily missable Portal World that has little in terms of unique resources. However, it gives you the opportunity to reliably fight Order soldiers and collect office supplies (such as the ever-critical Stapler) once you've cleared out most of the GATE Facility.
How to Unlock Rise
You can unlock Rise by crafting Antethermite, opening up the Laser Lab, learning the recipe for the Laser Reflector inside, crafting the Laser Reflector, and using it to hit the portal inside of the Laser Lab. This will then open the portal to Rise above the Dark Lens machinery near the Vacuum Chamber door.
Once you've opened the door to the Laser Lab, head inside and you'll find a whiteboard that will teach you the recipe to make a Laser Reflector. This allows you to intercept a laser beam and redirect it elsewhere. You should also make two Storage Crate (Small), a Screwdriver (or its equivalent), and a Hammer.
Take these items into the Laser Lab. Stack the two Storage Crates in front of the malfunctioning laser and then place the Laser Reflector on top of it so that it intercepts the beam. It will take some tweaking, but you can redirect the beam into the purple portal; completing this task will open up the portal to Rise.
Aside from the Storage Crates and the Laser Reflector, you'll need a Screwdriver for building/packing the Storage Crates if you need to fine tune them. You'll also want a Hammer to make repairs to the Storage Crates as the laser can damage them (and you!)
Rise isn't all that different from most of the other structures in the GATE Facility. You'll have to run around opening doors with a Keypad Hacker (Tier 3) until you can make it to an office and open a blast door to reveal another elevator. This final elevator takes you to the roof.
There are Order soldiers (including those with shotguns) found throughout the lower area. The rooftop, however, has a machine gun nest and snipers. Move to the left and you can go through a hole in the fence to get up closer to them.
The exit portal is located on the helipad on the roof. It will deposit you in a small area above the Dark Lens machinery; you can loot some nearby offices and then you can ride a zipline down to get closer to the core of the Cascade Laboratories.
Rise Renewable Resources
- .308 Ammo (from killing Order snipers)
- 12g Buckshot (from killing Order soldiers)
- 9mm Ammo (from killing Order soldiers)
- Anteverse Gem
- Bandage
- Box of Screws
- Canned Peas
- Case Fan
- Circuit Board
- Coil
- Containment Gloves
- Duct Tape
- Egg
- Enethiol
- Glass Scrap
- Hose
- Human Arm (Military) (from killing Order soldiers)
- Human Skull (from killing Order soldiers)
- Hydrochloric Acid
- Iodine Tablets
- Keyboard
- Kitchen Knife
- Liquid Crystal
- Medkit
- Military Electronics (from killing Order soldiers)
- Military Pack (from killing Order soldiers)
- Paper Scrap
- Pens
- Plastic Scrap
- Power Supply Unit
- Radio Pack (from killing Order soldiers)
- Rat Scanner (from killing Rats)
- Rebar
- Rebar
- Refined Carbon
- Romag Shotgun (from killing Order soldiers)
- Rubber Band Ball
- Salt
- Security Pistol (from killing Order soldiers)
- Stapler
- Tech Scrap
- Test Tube
- Wessex Rifle (from killing Order snipers)
- Wood Plank
Rise Hazards
The only hazards in Rise are the Order soldiers who are trying to kill you on sight. Be prepared to fight at least a dozen soldiers.
Security Sector Portal Worlds
The Security Sector is a new addition as of the Crush Depth update in Summer 2024. It only has one Portal World that doesn't have many items of consequence, but going through it is necessary for getting through the Security Sector.
The Night Realm
The Night Realm is a rarity amongst Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds — it has multiple entrance and exit portals that you must travel through to escape the Security Sector.
How to Unlock The Night Realm
You can unlock the Night Realm by completing the Cascade Laboratories and heading into the Security Sector. You will find a button on an upper floor covered in a black shroud; this will cause IS-0059 (colloquially called "The Reaper") to open a portal and appear before you.
The Night World is essentially a mirror of the Security Sector. You'll find a white blob in The Night Realm; destroying it will remove the shade from the button in the Security Sector and allow you to activate the button.
You will have to repeat this process several times while you make your way through the Security Sector. New portals will spontaneously appear as you get deeper into the Security Sector. As you explore, you'll be pursued by IS-0059 throughout — make sure to keep a Laser Pistol handy as soon as you can craft one.
You can find a handful of items in the Night Realm, but the quantities are small; you might get 3 or 4 of each resource at most. As for Night Essence, it's easier to farm it off of IS-0059 rather than waiting for The Night Realm to reset.
Finally, you should know that every single portal you exit in The Night Realm will take you back to the very start of the Security Sector. That means that you'll have to run back through previously-unlocked areas to progress further, even if you accomplish everything in one go.
The Night Realm Renewable Resources
- Cloth Scrap
- Giga Glue
- Kevlar Scrap
- Magnetic Alloy
- Night Essence
- Sensor
- Snag Vine Seed
- Wood Plank
The Night Realm Hazards
The Night Realm has no hazards.
The Night Realm Exit Buff
The Night Realm does not have an exit buff to our knowledge.
Hydroplant Sector Portal Worlds
The Hydroplant Sector is a massive power generation facility in an underground cave. There's a fair amount of water in this area and this is the first sector that will require you to do some swimming.
Voussoir is a research base placed on top of a distant mountain. The area is freezing cold and full of elite Order soldiers, so you'll need to be well prepared before venturing into the toughest of the Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds yet.
How to Unlock Voussoir
You can unlock Voussoir by finding the Diving Suit crafting recipe on the roof of the Waterfall Apartments, crafting it, and diving in the water near the submarine. Head to the standalone tower in the middle of the lake and you can find a path to Voussoir underwater.
First, you'll have to make your way through the Hydroplant Sector which is no small feat — there are G.A.D.D. Defense Bots (Level 3 Security Bots), Order soldiers (including snipers), and alien creatures everywhere.
Your ultimate goal is the Waterfall Apartments. Get there and head up to the roof and you'll meet a scientist who will teach you the crafting recipe for the Diving Suit. Naturally, you'll have to craft it and equip it.
Next, you'll have to head down to the lower levels of the Electrical Station; this will take you to a submarine dock. From here, you can swim out to the Neutrino Detector out in the reservoir.
Dive underwater and you'll have to search for a pipe with an opening. You must then head through this underwater area until you emerge inside of the Neutrino Detector. Head up the ladder and you'll be able to jump into the portal to Voussoir.
It is inadvisable to go to Voussoir right away. There are at least 20 or so Order soldiers in there plus a boss, and you'll want to ensure that you have plenty of ammo and supplies. I strongly recommend bringing Bio-Metric Armwraps so you can immediately use any guns that you loot from enemies in an emergency.
Of all of the Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds, Voussoir is the coldest. You'll need to make cold-weather gear from the Murkweed at the bottom of the reservoir. (You'll be able to get better armor by looting the Order soldiers in Voussoir once you kill them).
Voussoir is where you'll find the Neutrino Emitter, a critical component that will allow you to progress past the Hydroplant. However, it is also your best renewable source of the newer resources in the area such as Photon Receptors, Toroidal Power Transformers, and others.
Finally, a Yeti serves as the final boss at the end of Voussoir. You don't have to fight him, but you can get access to some pretty nifty armor if you can successfully kill him.
Voussoir Renewable Resources
- 5.56 Ammo (from enemies)
- 12g Buckshot (from enemies)
- Alpine Pack (from enemies)
- Barrel
- Book
- Briefcase
- Canister (from dismantling Fire Extinguisher)
- Canned Peas
- Case Fan
- Chain
- Circuit Board
- Cloth Scrap
- Coil
- Coil Winding
- Combat Knife (from enemies)
- Desk Phone
- Desk Lamp
- Duct Tape
- Empty Mug (from consuming Mug of Coffee)
- Fire Extinguisher
- Floppy Hat
- Giga Glue
- Glass Scrap
- Grinder Disc
- Hard Hat
- Hazardous Materials Suit
- High-Vis Vest
- Hose
- Human Arm (Military)
- Human Skull
- Hydro Pipe
- Iodine Tablets
- Kevlar Scrap (from enemies)
- Knife
- Lab Mask
- Magazines
- Metal Scrap
- Mountaineer Armguards (from dismembering enemies)
- Mountaineer Chestplate (from dismembering enemies)
- Mountaineer Leggings (from dismembering enemies)
- Mountaineer Helmet (from dismembering enemies)
- Mug of Coffee
- Neutrino Mapper
- Paper Scrap
- Patois Rifle (from enemies)
- Pens
- Photon Receptor
- Plastic Scrap
- Power Supply Unit
- Rook Helmet (from enemies)
- Pressure Gauge
- Riot Shield (from enemies)
- Rebar
- Romag Shotgun (from enemies)
- Rotary Pump
- Rubber Band Ball
- Salt
- Screwdriver
- Stapler
- Steel Cable
- Standing Lamp
- Tech Scrap
- Test Tube
- Toroidal Power Transformer
- Transformer Bushing
- Water Cooler
- Wood Plank
- Xanterium Rice Seed
- Yeti Fur
- Yeti Skull
Voussoir Hazards
Voussoir is absolutely packed with Order soldiers, so you'll need to be ready to fight a couple dozen of them. These soldiers are tougher and better equipped than the ones you've encountered thus far. Bringing something like the Romag Shotgun is a good idea since you can loot ammo from the enemies.
Soldiers aside, there is also a Yeti that serves as the final boss of the area. You can bypass him, but it's worth it to try to fight him if you have enough ammo.
Voussoir Exit Buff
There is no exit buff in Voussoir to our knowledge.
That's the end of our Abiotic Factor Portal Worlds Guide. Make sure to check out our other guides below!
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