In this The Good Life Crafting Guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about Crafting mechanics in the latest game from Swery.
The Good Life features a woman named Naomi Hayward who ends up in the town of Rainy Woods on a rather peculiar job: she has to investigate why this is one of the happiest towns in the world. Now that this game has finally arrived, we can break down how The Good Life Crafting works -- let's dive in!
How The Good Life Crafting Works
The Good Life Crafting doesn't quite work like other games -- you'll find no workbenches or other such devices in the game. Rather, you're going to have to rely on the practiced hands of some of the townsfolk around you.
You will, of course, need to gather the correct materials for whatever it is you're trying to make. (We'll explore how to get your hands on these materials in the next section.) If you're careful about exploring and judicious about picking everything up, you should have no problems finding what you need most of the time.
Where The Good Life Crafting differs from most games is the fact that you have to pay a fee to the merchant. (After all, no one works for free!) The merchants in McAvoy Construction, the Post Shop / Fancy & Bunny, and the Witch House Pharmacy can each make you different things -- and all three of these merchants can make you some pretty useful stuff.
How to Get Crafting Materials in The Good Life
Getting the materials you need for The Good Life Crafting depends on what you're trying to make. In some cases, you can simply buy the prerequisite items; most of the time, however, you're going to have to scavenge, hunt, or grow stuff in your garden.
The first (and most obvious) way you can get The Good Life Crafting materials is by purchasing them from merchants. Some merchants -- including the three who can craft items for you -- will sell materials that can be used in their own recipes or in the recipes of the other two merchants.
Aside from the "Crafting" merchants, there are a number of other roadside merchants and small shops scattered throughout the world. Some of these locations, too, can sell you some of the things you need.
Another way to find The Good Life Crafting materials is by scavenging around the world. As I covered in our Beginner's Guide, you'll see little white arrows on the ground as you run around the world -- interact with these locations and you'll pick up a seed, a plant, a bug, or something else entirely. Hunting is also a factor (especially if you want to make items at McAvoy Construction or clothes at Fancy & Bunny). Go into Dog or Cat Mode, tear up some animals, and collect your spoils.
Finally, a number of items used in The Good Life Crafting can simply be grown in your garden. In most cases, these items are used for the powerful potions and poultices at the Witch Hose Pharmacy. Those of you who are serious about Crafting is going to have to do all of these things to get the items you need. It's definitely a worthwhile endeavor, though -- especially because of the powerful buffs you can gain.
McAvoy Construction
McAvoy Construction is one of the first places you'll visit when learning The Good Life Crafting. In fact, it's part of the introductory quests you get in the Prologue and is used to teach you the basics of Crafting mechanics.
This particular merchant largely focuses on making materials such as metals. It also sells some metal ores (such as Iron) and gives you easy access to the Pickaxe, a critical tool for Mining in the game world. As with all of the Crafting merchants, the items you make here can be used at the other two stores.
McAvoy Construction Materials
- Rubber Sheet
- Turbid Sap x1
- £0.90
- Patchwork Leather
- Small Animal Hide x1
- £0.90
- Tanned Pine Marten Leather
- Pine Marten Fur x2
- Turbid Sap x1
- £0.90
- Tanned Rabbit Leather
- Rabbit Fur x2
- Turbid Sap x1
- £0.90
- Tanned Badger Leather
- High Quality Fur x2
- Rough Bark x1
- £0.90
- Tanned Fox Leather
- Foxfur Felt x2
- Rough Bark x1
- £0.90
- Tanned Sheep Leather
- Wool Felt x2
- Rough Bark x1
- £0.90
- Deerskin
- Deer Felt x2
- Rough Bark x1
- £0.90
- Aluminum Nuggets
- Aluminum Can x10
- £0.90
- Aluminum Chunk
- Aluminum Nuggets x5
- £0.90
- Iron Chunk
- Iron Nuggets x5
- £0.90
- Bronze Chunk
- Bronze Nuggets x5
- £0.90
- Silver Chunk
- Silver Nuggets x5
- £0.90
- Gold Chunk
- Gold Nuggets x5
- £0.90
- Rust-Resistant Metal
- Iron Nuggets x9
- Glowing Green Ore x3
- £0.90
- Revolutionary Synthetic Resin
- Turbid Sap x3
- Glass Bead x3
- Black Fiber x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- £0.90
Post Shop / Fancy & Bunny
The Post Shop and Fancy & Bunny are two stores that are technically part of the same building. It doesn't matter which you go into; either way, you'll only be interacting with the one merchant.
Fancy & Bunny sells some of the materials used for Crafting clothing. Unsurprisingly, Fancy & Bunny is also the place you go to get new clothing made. Some of the items in here are more cosmetic than anything else, but there are a few nice buffs available to Craft. You can get permanent buffs to Stamina, Health, and carrying capacity (among other niceties) by making the various items in this store.
Post Shop / Fancy & Bunny Materials
- Smooth, Beautiful Fabric
- Cotton Fabric x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- Sandy Canterpillar x1
- £0.90
- Light, Durable Fabric
- Cotton Fabric x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- Coarse Beetle x1
- £0.90
- Transparent Fabric
- Cotton Fabric x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- Butterfly Wing x1
- £0.90
- Gold Thread
- Strong Fiber x3
- Gold Chunk x1
- £0.90
- Silver Thread
- Strong Fiber x3
- Silver Chunk x1
- £0.90
- T-Shirt
- Cotton Fabric x3
- £9.00
- Blouse
- Cotton Fabric x3
- £17.55
- Affordable Down Jacket
- Assorted Plumage x5
- Light, Durable Fabric x1
- Aluminum Chunk x1
- £22.05
- Luxury Down Jacket
- High Quality Feather x5
- Light, Durable Fabric x1
- Aluminum Chunk x1
- £63.00
- Patchwork Leather Jacket
- Patchwork Leather x5
- Cotton Fabric x1
- Aluminum Chunk c1
- £13.50
- Gaucho Trousers
- Cotton Fabric x3
- £6.30
- Cargo Trousers
- Cotton Fabric x5
- Light, Durable Fabric x1
- Iron Chunk x2
- £7.20
- Patchwork Leather Trousers
- Patchwork Leather x5
- Tanned Pine Marten Leather x2
- Iron Chunk x2
- £8.10
- Baseball Cap
- Denim Fabric x3
- £4.50
- Bucket Hat
- Cotton Fabric x3
- £5.40
- Ten Gallon Hat
- Wool Felt x10
- Tanned Pine Marten Leather x2
- Iron Chunk x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- £5.40
- Affordable Dress Hat
- Deer Felt x10
- Assorted Plumage x3
- Smooth, Beautiful Fabric x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- £9.00
- Sandals
- Patchwork Leather x3
- Rubber Sheet x2
- £7.65
- Special Running Shoes
- Rubber Sheer x3
- Patchwork Leather x5
- £27.00
- Decorated Bracelet
- Glass Bead x3
- Rust-Resistant Metal x1
- Silver Chunk x1
- £13.50
- Wide Bronze Bangle
- Bronze Chunk x5
- Rust-Resistant Metal x1
- Small Diamond x1
- £29.70
- Reasonable Watch
- Spinning Gear x1
- Tanned Pine Marten Leather x2
- Glass Bead xx1
- £14.40
- Bronze Luxury Watch
- Spinning Gear x1
- Bronze Chunk x5
- Glass Bead x1
- £115.20
- Silver Luxury Watch
- Spinning Gear x3
- Silver Chunk x5
- Glass Bead x1
- Rust-Resistant Metal x3
- £176.40
- Gold Ultra Luxury Watch
- Spinning Gear x5
- Gold Chunk x10
- Small Diamond x5
- Rust-Resistant Metal x5
- £460.80
- Celebrity Sunglasses
- Glass Bead x3
- Black Fiber x2
- Filter x2
- £7.65
- Chinese Sunglasses
- Glass Bead x3
- Iron Chunk x2
- Filter x2
- £7.65
- Sports Sunglasses
- Glass Bead x5
- Black Fiber x2
- Rubber Sheet x2
- Filter x2
- £18.00
- Casual Bag
- Light, Durable Fabric x3
- £9.00
- Sophisticated Bag
- Tanned Badger Leather x2
- Stretchy Fabric x1
- Aluminum Chunk x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- £27.00
- Chic Bag
- Tanned Rabbid Leather x5
- Stretchy Fabric x1
- Aluminum Chunk x1
- Suspicious Liquid x1
- £37.80
- Huge Casual Bag
- Light, Durable Fabric x8
- Stretchy Fabric x3
- Sticky Sap x1
- Strange Liquid x1
- £27.00
- Huge Sophisticated Bag
- Cowhide x8
- Stretchy Fabric x3
- Sticky Sap x1
- Magical Liquid x1
- £81.00
Witch House Pharmacy
The Witch House Pharmacy is the last of The Good Life Crafting merchants. As with the other two merchants, This location is also visited by the player during the Prologue.
A major focus of the Witch House Pharmacy is making various potions and healing items that can cure your ailments, restore your stats, or even give you a temporary buff. There are all sorts of challenges to deal with in this game, so you should definitely be open to getting any edge you can to make things easier.
Notably, some of the items in here can be used to remove Sicknesses (such as Colds and Toothaches). While they're much cheaper than buying them from the Vet, there are also a fair amount of items involved -- it may be easier to get your healing items from the Vet in the long run.
Witch House Pharmacy Crafting Materials
- Liquid Vitae
- Coarse Beetle x2
- £3.00
- Liquid Stabilitas
- Sandy Canterpillar x1
- Basil x2
- £3.00
- Liquid Vigilans
- Coarse Beetle x1
- Mint x2
- £3.00
- Liquid Ardor
- Butterfly Wing x1
- Coriander x2
- £3.00
- Liquid Ferocitas
- Coarse Beetle x2
- £3.00
- Liquid Resiliens
- Sandy Canterpillar x2
- £3.00
- Vitality Pills
- Butterfly Wing x2
- Sage x3
- Small Animal Hide x1
- £5.00
- Endurance Pills
- Sandy Canterpillar x2
- Basil x3
- Small Animal Hide x1
- £5.00
- Insomniac Pills
- Coarse Beetle x2
- Minet x3
- Pine Marten Fur x1
- Animal Bone x1
- £5.00
- Ardor Salve
- Butterfly Wing x2
- Large Animal Femur x1
- Coriander x3
- £5.00
- Hercules Salve
- Coarse Beetle x2
- Animal Bone x1
- £5.00
- Resilience Salve
- Sandy Canterpillar x21
- Animal Bone x1
- £5.00
- Vitality Capsules
- Rare Butterfly Wing x1
- Sage x4
- Rabbit Fur x2
- Sage Seed x1
- £7.50
- Endurance Capsules
- Vivid Caterpillar x1
- Basil x4
- Rabbit Fur x2
- Basil Seed x1
- £7.50
- Insomniac Extract
- Lustrous Black Beetle x1
- Mint x4
- High Quality Fur x2
- Animal Tooth x1
- £7.50
- Suspicious Liquid
- Baggie of White Powder x1
- Assorted Plumage x3
- High Quality Fur x1
- £10.00
- Strange Liquid
- Dried Entrails x1
- High Quality Feather x3
- Foxfur Felt x1
- £10.00
- Magical Liquid
- Humannoid Root x1
- Turkey Plume x2
- Deer Felt x1
- £10.00
- Cold Medicine
- Thyme Seed x2
- Wild Beast Claw x2
- Rare Butterfly Wing x2
- Tear Fruit x6
- £10.00
- Toothache Medicine
- Mint Seed x2
- Carnivore Fang x2
- Rare Butterfly Wing x2
- Tear Fruit x6
- £10.00
- Headache Medicine
- Rosemary Seed x2
- Wild Beast Claw x2
- Lustrous Black Beetle x2
- Tear Fruit x6
- £10.00
- Mellow Poultice
- Oregano Seed x2
- Carnivore Fang x2
- Lustrous Black Beetle x2
- Tear Fruit x6
- £10.00
- Energy Potion
- Basil Seed x5
- Dried Entrails x3
- Humanoid Root x2
- Scarab x2
- £10.00
- Ultimate Potion
- Dill Seed x5
- Deer Felt x3
- Humanoid Root x2
- Scarab x2
- £10.00
- Glutton Potion
- Thyme Seed x5
- Turkey Plume x3
- Humanoid Root x2
- Scarab x2
- £10.00