God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations Guide

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Published: January 14, 2022 12:52 PM

Stuck finding all of the God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations? We've got you covered. This artifact collection contains six pieces and they are all located in the Veithurgard region of Midgard, all the way to the East. This is a pretty small area and entirely optional to visit, but you'll need to do so in order to get 100% completion in the game, and unlock the Curator Achievement. Luckily, this means the artifacts are all grouped fairly close together.

All God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Location 1

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

When you first dock the boat in Veithurgard there’s a wooden dock on the same beach. Go out to the end of the dock to find the first horn

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Location 2

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

In the area where you first dock, go to the right side and climb up several levels. There’s a rotting wood wall, destroy the wall and the second horn is right behind it at the foot of a corpse.

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Location 3

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

Climb the hill where Otr is located and at the top turn left. There is a small waterfall with some boxes underneath, destroy the boxes and you’ll get to the third horn. You can’t, however, pick it up until all threats are eliminated.

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Location 4

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

On the hill where Otr is located, go to the top and then find the stairs on the left side. There is a knight at the top of the stairs with the horn at his feet.

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Location 5

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

Behind the rune-locked stone doors on Otr’s hill, you'll need to enter and follow the corridor straight to the back. The fifth horn is at the feet of the knight there, but watch out for enemies.

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Location 6

God of War Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

Inside the castle, behind the rune-locked doors on Otr’s hill, turn right at the Jotnar shrine and follow through to come to a chamber filled with water. Turn the knob on the balcony above to drain the room, then jump down. A knight has been exposed by the lowered water and has the last horn at their feet.

You're one step closer to the Curator Achievement!

| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney

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Game Page God of War (2018)
PlayStation 4
Release Date
April 20, 2018 (Calendar)
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