Genshin Impact City Reputation Preview

Genshin Impact Reputation System Guide

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Published: November 6, 2020 5:32 PM

The Genshin Impact 1.1 is releasing on Nov. 11. As many players have continued to work through the present story and endgame activities, this update will bring new characters and other new features. Players who are clamoring for more content will be happiest to hear that with the 1.1 update, a new Reputation System is going to be rolled out for the two current regions.

What is the Genshin Impact Reputation System?

The two regions, Mondstadt and Liyue, will have a new vendor that you can approach that will have different missions and requests that you can complete in order to build up your reputation in those areas. In Mondstadt, you speak to Hertha, a Knights of Favonius Coordinator, and in Liyue you speak to Ms. Yu, the Minister of Civil Affairs Secretary. In order to get access to the Genshin Impact Reputation System, you need to have completed the following requirements:

  • Have an Adventure Rank of over 22
  • For Mondstadt Reputation: Clear the Archon Quest "The Outlander Who Caught the Wind" Act I
  • For Liyue Reputation: Clear the Archon Quest "Farewell, Archaic Lord" Chapter I Act II

Genshin Impact City Reputation Menu

Once you have the Reputation System unlocked, you'll be able to increase your reputation by completing the following types of objectives. Each objective will be completable in the region they were accepted in.

  • Bounties - Track and defeat certain enemies. You can complete up to three bounties per week, and the bounties will refresh every Monday.
  • Requests - Complete local NPC requests. You can complete up to three requests per week, and the requests will refresh every Monday.
  • World Exploration - Complete exploration activities, including opening chests, finding Oculi, and unlocking waypoints. This is based on a percentage, so it's likely this progress will carry over so you can get started on this one early!
  • Region Quest - These are specific quests in Mondstadt and Liyue that you'll be able to complete.

For completing regions of the map for the World Exploration, there will now be a percentage indicator as you zoom out the map letting you know which regions you have more to gather in. 

What are the Genshin Impact Reputation System Rewards?

As you level up your Reputation Rank, you will get rewards at different levels. You will obtain cooking recipes and name cards that you can use to customize your experience, but the important rewards that you'll get are listed below:

Mondstadt City Reputation Rewards

Rank 2: Anemoculus Resonance Stone crafting blueprint, Mondstadt Mining Outcrop Search

Rank 3: Wind Catcher forging blueprint

Rank 4: Discounts at the Good Hunter and Mondstadt General Goods

Rank 5: NRE (Menu 30) foraging blueprint

Rank 6: Portable Waypoint crafting blueprint, Anemo Treasure Compass foraging blueprint

Rank 8: Wind glider Wings of Azure Wind

Genshin Impact City Reputation Glider

Liyue City Reputation Rewards

Rank 2: Geoculus Resonance Stone crafting blueprint, Liyue Mining Outcrop Search

Rank 3: Condensed Resin crafting blueprint

Rank 4: Discounts at the Wanmin Restaurant and Second Life

Rank 5: Adepti Seeker's Stove crafting blueprint

Rank 6: Geo Treasure Compass foraging blueprint

Rank 8: Wind glider Wings of Golden Flight

What Can You Do With the Genshin Impact Reputation System Blueprints?

Resonance Stone

Anemoculus Resonance Stone Recipe: 5x Dandelion Seed, 5x Cecilia, 1x Crystal
Geoculus Resonance Stone Recipe: <Currently Unknown>

Effect: The regional Resonance Stone that you use will highlight an area on your map that has an Anemoculus or Geoculus that you've currently missed. The highlighted area will disappear as soon as the star icon of the item has appeared on your mini map.


  1. There is a five-minute cooldown between uses of the Resonance Stones
  2. You can only use a Resonance Stone in its region of creation

Genshin Impact City Reputation Resonance Stone

Wind Catcher

Effect: You can store Anemograna within, up to five charges. This will allow you to create an upward draft wherever you want on the map. The wind current will disappear after a short amount of time.

Notes: After use, the Wind Catcher has a 100-second cooldown timer.

Condensed Resin

Recipe: 1x Crystal Core, 40x Original Resin, 100x Mora

Effect: You can use them instead of spending 20 Original Resin to revitalize a Ley Line blossom or 20 Resin Tree within a Domain

Notes: You can only have 3 Condensed Resin at any point in time.

NRE (Menu 30)

Effect: Allows you to equip food to a hotkey so that you can press it during battle to eat without having to go to any menu. The NRE can only hold one HP and one Revival dish at the same time and will offer the one relevant to your situation.

Adepti Seeker's Stove

Effect: You can create a portable stove in front of your character that will remain present for five minutes. After those five minutes have been completed, the stove will disappear.

Genshin Impact City Reputation Cooking

Portable Waypoint

Effect: Allows you to create one waypoint anywhere in the world that you can teleport to at will. The teleport point will last in its place for seven days.

Notes: Only one can be created at a time, but the cooldown between creating waypoints is only one minute.

Treasure Compass

Effect: After use, itwill point you towards the nearest chest, beginning a 30-second cooldown. If there is no chest in your vicinity, then the device will enter a 5-second cooldown.

Notes: You can only use the Treasure Compass for the region you're currently in.

What do you think of all of the new items and changes coming to Genshin Impact with its 1.1 release? Are you excited to get into the Genshin Impact Reputation System?

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Release Date
September 28, 2020 (Calendar)
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