This is it, the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker area that many people have been waiting for. Mare Lamentorum, the part of Eorzea’s moon that you visit, looks like it’ll be quite awkward to explore at first. However, the process of collecting its Aether Currents and unlocking flying is actually not too bad — most of them are found within the north side of the zone. In this guide, we’ll direct you through finding each Aether Current found in the desolate sands of the moon. In this guide, we’ll show you every Mare Lamentorum Aether Location so you can easily grab them all.
In total, there are 15 Aether Currents to be collected in the Mare Lamentorum region, and we've got coordinates and pictures of each one!
Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Field Aether Currents
There are 10 Field Aether Currents in Mare Lamentorum to be found.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #1
- Coordinates - X: 21.9, Y 13.6
- This one can be found right after entering Bestways Burrow for the first time (along with the next few Aether Currents. Since you can’t reach it from the ground floor, instead jump off the stairs to the west.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #2
- Coordinates - X: 22, Y: 10.6
- The Aether Current is at the upper area of Bestways Burrow, near the hole in the center. A main story quest takes you quite close.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #3
- Coordinates - X: 11.8, Y: 9.4
- Can be found on one of the larger platforms. As with the rest, there are “stairs” (a series of circular platforms) nearby that will let you climb up.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #4
- Coordinates - X: 6.8, Y: 6.7
- Once again found on a larger platform, this time in the northwest of The Carrotorium. Same strategy as the previous Aether Current: find the nearby “stairs” to climb up.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #5
- Coordinates - X: 27.8, Y: 9.6
- When heading into the Greatest Endsvale for the first time, head slightly north and drop down onto the nearby platform.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #6
- Coordinates - X: 34.5, Y: 13.2
- This Aether Current is one of the simpler ones, situated in the southeast of Greatest Endsvale. You’ll be sent to the area during a main story quests, so don’t worry about picking it up early.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #7
- Coordinates - X: 22.3, Y: 18.1
- Exit Bestways Burrow and head up the only available path. Once it splits, go east and move upwards. The Aether Current can be found directly north in that chunk of the moon.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #8
- Coordinates - X:18.9, Y: 20
- After picking up the last Aether Current, head directly south and cross the bridge. West of this area is a small cavern containing the next Aether Current.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #9
- Coordinates - X: 33.3, Y: 23.7
- At the south of Mare Lamentorum lies some red ruins (an Aether Current sidequest will require you to head here). The Aether Current is slightly north of the ruins.

Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location #10
- Coordinates - X: 29.3, Y: 27.6
- Your final destination is southwest of the previous Aether Current, in the same segment of the moon. It can be found at the edge of the crevice (despite being relatively close to the south starting area, you must instead head here from the Bestways Burrow Aetheryte.
Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Quest Aether Currents
Four of these will unlock via completing main story quests, and will be displayed as blue quest markers on the map. The final quest Aether Current is acquired during the main story itself, which will likely be the last one you need to unlock flying.
- True Carrot Crimes (requires main story quest Styled a Hero)
- Carrots: It’s What’s for Dinner (requires main story quest Styled a Hero)
- Alluring Allag (requires main story quest Setting Things Straight)
- Name That Way (requires main story quest Setting Things Straight)
- Heart of the Matter (main story quest, unmissable)