FFXIV Labyrinthos

Final Fantasy XIV Labyrinthos Aether Currents Guide

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Published: December 11, 2021 11:55 AM

Despite being one of the very first zones you can explore in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, you don’t actually gain access to the full map of Labyrinthos until near the end of the expansion. Because of this, you'll miss out on half of the available Aether Currents during your first visit — though if you know someone with a multi-seat mount that already has flying unlocked, they can help you get them early. However, as with Thavnair, collecting the rest of them when you do have full access is a pretty painless experience. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get all Aether Currents during each of your visits.

In total, there are 15 Aether Currents to be collected in the Labyrinthos region, and we've got coordinates and pictures of each one!

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Field Aether Currents: First Visit

There are 5 Labyrinthos Aether Currents able to be acquired during your first visit.

Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 1

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #1

  • X: 28.3, Y: 6.1
  • Head right from the zone entrance and up the hill. The Aether Current is right at the edge.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 2

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #2

  • X: 36.4, Y: 22.7
  • Head into the cave at the east side of the zone. The Aether Current is in the western side, on top of a ledge.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 3

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #3

  • X: 31.3, Y: 16.1
  • Found in the largest part of the river. This is one of the few Aether Currents in Endwalker that has enemies nearby, so it’s best to kill them first before trying to attune.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 4

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #4

  • X: 22.2, Y: 15.7
  • Found behind the tower, at the edge of the accessible area during your first visit.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 5

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #5

  • X: 15, 13.5
  • Head all the way to the west of the first section. The Aether Current is on top of the wall, requiring a slight detour north.

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Field Aether Currents: Second Visit

There are 5 Labyrinthos Aether Currents able to be acquired during your second visit.

Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 6

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #6

  • X: 22.4, Y: 25.1
  • After heading down the elevator for the first time, head northwest. The Aether Current is behind the tower.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 7

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #7

  • X: 18, Y: 16.6
  • Found at the northern part of the ring, on top of a small hill.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 8

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #8

  • X: 11.4, Y: 19.1
  • Slightly to the west of the previous Aether Current, hidden by some rocks.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 9

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #9

  • X: 18.8, Y: 35
  • This Aether Current is in the south part of the ring, the largest section of this part of Labyrinthos. It can be found on a small cliff overlooking the center area.
Labyrinthos Field Aether Current Locations - 10

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Location #10

  • X: 10.5, Y: 34.7
  • The final Aether Current is also on top of a small cliff, this time in the southwest section of the ring.

Labyrinthos Aether Currents - Quest Aether Currents

Only one of the sidequest Aether Currents will be available during your first visit to Labyrinthos, with the rest (along with the main story Aether Current unlock) unavailable until you return later on. As always, this means that flying cannot be unlocked until you’ve already finished most of the main story in the zone.

Available during first visit

  • Lost Little Troll (requires main story quest The Full Report, Warts and All)

Available during second visit

  • The Lad in Labyrinthos (requires main story quest Hither and Yarns)
  • Gleaner's Wish (requires main story quest Hither and Yarns)
  • Let the Good Times Troll (requires main story quest Going Underground)
  • Bonds of Adamant(ite) (main story quest, unmissable)
| Staff Writer

Isaac is a Staff Writer at TechRaptor, handling guides — and the occasional review — for games throughout many genres. Some of his more extensive work at… More about Isaac

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Release Date
August 27, 2013 (Calendar)
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