You are going to spend a lot of time-fighting the bosses of Final Fantasy XIV. These bosses are contained in duties called Trials which will be unlocked as you progress through the Final Fantasy XIV story. These trials all have extreme modes that drop special loot, and it’s no secret that the mount drops from these Trials are some of the best in the game. The guide below is here to walk you through how to unlock all Final Fantasy XIV Extreme Trials and what mounts they drop.
How to Unlock A Realm Reborn's Extreme Trials Fights
A Realm Reborn’s extreme trials are generally pretty easy to unlock once you’ve reached level 50. The first three bosses contain two unlockable mounts, while the others only contain one mount at the most:
Trial Name | Unlock Quest | Quest Giver Location | Mount Drop |
The Howling Eye | Gale-force Warning | Vorsaile Heuloix in New Gridania |
The Bowl of Embers | Ifrit Ain't Broke | Urianger at The Waking Sands |
The Naval | Quake Me Up Before You O'Ghomoro | Urianger at The Waking Sands |
Thornmarch | The King Lives | Urianger at The Waking Sands |
The Striking Tree | Judgment Bolts and Lightning | Scarlet in New Gridania |
Akh Afah Amphitheatre | Drop Dead Shiva | Urianger at The Waking Sands |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Ultima's Bane | The Ultimate Ballad | Alys in Mor Dhona |
How to Unlock Heavensward Extreme Trials Fights
Heavenward's extreme trials can be unlocked at level 60, and from this expansion on out, trials only drop a single mount at most. Both NPCs that give the extreme trial quests are located in Mor Dhona:
Trial Name | Unlock Quest | Quest Giver Location | Mount Drop |
The Limitless Blue | The Diabolical Bismarck | Unukalhai At The Rising Stones | White Lanner |
Thok Ast Thok | Thok Around the Clock | Unukalhai At The Rising Stones | Rose Lanner |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign | Thordan's Reign | Alys in Mor Dhona | Round Lanner |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage | Nidhogg's Rage | Alys in Mor Dhona | Dark Lanner Whistle |
Containment Bay S1T7 | A Fiendish Likeness | Unukalhai At The Rising Stones | Warring Lanner |
Containment Bay P1T6 | A Deific Simulacrum | Unukalhai At The Rising Stones | Sophic Lanner |
Containment Bay Z1T9 | A Demonic Duplicate | Unukalhai At The Rising Stones | Demonic Lanner |
How to Unlock Stormblood Extreme Trials Fights
Stormblood’s extreme trials will become available when you hit level 70, and for the most part, they are all unlocked by doing the same quest:
Trial Name | Unlock Quest | Quest Giver Location | Mount Drop |
Emanation | Songs in the Key of Kugane | Wandering Minstrel in Kugane | Blissful Kamuy |
The Pool of Tribute | Songs in the Key of Kugane | Wandering Minstrel in Kugane | Legendary Kamuy |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain | Songs in the Key of Kugane | Wandering Minstrel in Kugane | Reveling Kamuy |
The Jade Stoa | Songs in the Key of Kugane | Wandering Minstrel in Kugane | Auspicious Kamuy |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain | Songs in the Key of Kugane | Wandering Minstrel in Kugane | Lunar Kamuy |
Hell’s Kier | Songs in the Key of Kugane | Wandering Minstrel in Kugane | Euphonious Kamuy |
The Wreath of Snakes | Songs in the Key of Kugane | Wandering Minstrel in Kugane | Hallowed Kamuy |
The Great Hunt | The Newer King on the Block | Hearty Hunter in Kugane | Rathalos Whistle |

How to Unlock Shadowbringers Extreme Trials Fights
Shadowbringer mixes things up a bit more by sending you to three different quest givers. These quests can all be unlocked when you hit level 80:
Trial Name | Unlock Quest | Quest Giver Location | Mount Drop |
The Dancing Plague | Minstrel from Another Mother | Minstreling Wanderer At the Crystarium | Fae Gwiber |
The Crown of the Immaculate | Minstrel from Another Mother | Minstreling Wanderer At the Crystarium | Innocent Gwiber |
The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy | Minstrel from Another Mother | Minstreling Wanderer At the Crystarium | Shadow Gwiber |
The Seat of Sacrifice | Minstrel from Another Mother | Minstreling Wanderer At the Crystarium | Gwiber of Light |
Cinder Drift | Warmachina Fanatic | Warmachina Fanatic At the Lochs | Ruby Gwiber |
Castrum Marinum | Warmachina Fanatic | Warmachina Fanatic At the Lochs | Emerald Gwiber |
The Cloud Deck | Warmachina Fanatic | Warmachina Fanatic At the Lochs | Diamond Gwiber |
Memoria Misera | Wandering Dramaturge | Wandering Dramaturge At The Prima Vista Tiring Room | None |
Extreme Trials Mount Drop Tips - Final Fantasy XIV
The thing about rare drops is they don’t happen often. When you are playing in a trial, there are usually seven other people in your party. The boss will only drop one whistle, so it can be pretty hard to get ahold of these mounts. Keep in mind that there is a good chance that most of your party is trying to take that whistle, so not only are you at the mercy of RNG, but you are fighting up to seven other players for a rare drop as well.
One of the best ways to ensure you get them is by fighting them in a small, but powerful undersized party with friends, to ensure that all of you get the mounts. This usually doesn’t take a crazy amount of time and the whistles will tend to drop within a few Trial runs.