The Final Fantasy XIV’s All Saints' Wake Event has finally made its return after more than 2 years. Despite being a Halloween-themed event, this year it’s running from January 20 to February 2 at 6:59 a.m. PST. It brings creepy clowns, ghosts, and a number of new rewards for players to acquire. In this All Saints Wake 2022 Event Guide, we’ll take you through each quest of All Saints' Wake 2022 and list everything that’s up for grabs.
All Clowns’ Wake Quest

All Clowns’ Wake is the starting quest for All Saints' Wake 2022, found in Old Gridania at X: 10.4, Y: 8.5. By talking to the Adventurers’ Guild Investigator, you’ll learn of a mysterious character dressed in odd clothing. The investigator tasks you with finding out more about the clown’s goals, sending you off to interview the townsfolk of Gridania.
There are 2 NPCs each in Old Gridania and New Gridania that you must talk to for this quest. After talking to them and returning to the investigator, you’ll be sent to meet with the culprit. The meeting point is near the Leatherworkers’ Guild at X: 11.9, Y: 8.6. After viewing the cutscene, talk to the investigator again (he’s just to the east this time), and then head on over to Central Shroud.
Here, you’ll have to interact with the destination marker at X: 23.2, Y: 23.4, before reaching the end of this quest by talking to the investigator in Central Shroud.
A Feast to Remember Quest
Talk to the Adventurers’ Guild Investigator once again to accept the next quest, A Feast to Remember. After a brief cutscene, you must meet up with Papa Gruff at X: 22.8, Y: 22.7 — he’s underneath the walkway. This will unlock the seasonal instance The Phantoms’ Feast.
The Phantoms’ Feast Instance - FFXIV All Saints Wake

The Phantoms’ Feast is a 4-man instance with no class, job, or level restrictions. Its layout is based on the dungeon The Tam-Tara Deepcroft and its Hard variant, just with a slightly more gaudy theme. You can run this with friends, or get paired up with others via the in-game matchmaking function.
You won't have access to your regular moves here. Instead, you’ll make use of the Fiendish Lantern and Healing Holy Water. The Lantern creates a conal area of effect attack when used, instantly killing any Clown Wraiths inside it. It can hold 3 charges at once, and recharges relatively slowly. Meanwhile, the Holy Water is used to save Captive Souls — there are 30 souls to save throughout the dungeon in total.
Progress through The Phantoms’ Feast is straightforward for the most part. You go through each room, killing Wraiths and saving souls. The main challenges come in the form of 3 encounters, similar to the 3 bosses you’d usually face in a regular dungeon.
Little Gruff Boss Guide
You don’t fight any of the bosses directly, and are instead required to complete a certain objective. For Little Gruff, this comes in the form of pumpkin chests. Chests spawn around the arena, and will reward points if you stand on them. Orange chests with a single star are worth 1 point, while silver chests are worth 2.
The objective is to reach 100 points, without dying to the bombs that are also being dropped around the arena. These explode after around 8-9 seconds in a medium sized AOE, flashing before they detonate.
Mama Gruff Boss Guide
To make it past Mama Gruff, you must eat the various dishes she produces, while also killing the Wraiths that spawn around the arena. The dishes come in 2 forms, Standard Dishes and Exquisite Dishes. The former is worth 2 points, while the latter is 10, and the objective is to once again reach 100 points.
Standard Dishes are quick to eat, while Exquisite Dishes take much longer. Dishes generally spawn in groups of 4 with a single Exquisite Dish, while Wraiths appear periodically. The best strategy is to ignore the Wraiths initially, and then kill them while one person is eating the Exquisite Dish.
Papa Gruff Boss Guide

Papa Gruff is the final opponent of The Phantoms’ Feast. While you still don't fight him directly, he does put up more of a fight than the other family members.
Instead of collecting points during this encounter, you must instead free another 34 souls, on top of the ones found beforehand. Lots of Clown Wraiths and Captive Souls will spawn over time, which are dealt with as normal. Meanwhile, Papa Gruff will clone himself and start casting large AOEs around the arena.
You’re given a decent amount of time to move out of these, and if you’re hit, you’ll be given the Out of Body debuff. This leaves you in a ghostly form, separated from your body. To get back in action, you’ll have to slowly walk back to your body (there’s a tether showing you which way to go if you’re lost).
After saving 34 souls, the dungeon is over. You’re given 6 pumpkin cookies as a reward for completion, and can finish the quest by going back to X: 10.4, Y: 8.5 and talking to the Adventurers’ Guild Investigator.
Quest Completion - All Saints Wake 2022 Rewards

Completing the quest grants you another pumpkin cookie, plus the Modern Cosmetics - Clowning Around item. This item unlocks a new face paint option at the aesthetician, mirroring the makeup Papa Gruff uses.
To get the rest of the rewards, you must trade in pumpkin cookies to the NPC Shady Smock in Old Gridania X: 10.3, Y: 9.2. It’s 12 cookies to unlock the full Clown set (made up of 5 gear pieces), plus another 6 for both housing items. Magicked Prisms (Pumpkin) can also be bought for one cookie if you have any spare.
Getting extra cookies is as simple as running The Phantoms’ Feast again, though this is now done by talking to the Harlequin Guide in Old Gridania near Shady Smock.