Our Fields of Mistria Crafting Guide will teach you the basics of crafting and tell you how you can unlock more crafting recipes.
You can't loot everything you need in Fields of Mistria — sometimes, exploring the Mines and foraging for goods isn't enough! Crafting can let you create some cool furniture and a handful of useful items such as fences. In this guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know about crafting!
How Fields of Mistria Crafting Works
Fields of Mistria crafting uses a similar process to cooking and blacksmithing — you'll have to convert resources into the thing you want to make at a Crafting Station. Similarly, crafting many items will also take a certain amount of in-game time and you won't be able to start crafting if the time is after midnight.
The vast majority of crafting is used to make furniture for your home; the Crafting Station doesn't have much in the way of practical items aside from a handful of things like paths and fences. Everything made at the Crafting Station will increase your woodworking skill.
How to Get a Crafting Station
You can get a Crafting Station for your farm by purchasing it from the Carpenter's Shop for 1,000 Tessarae. You can then take it back to your farm and place it wherever is most convenient for you.
How to Unlock More Crafting Recipes
There is only one way to unlock more crafting recipes: you'll have to get a Crafting Scroll with the particular recipe or recipes that you want. There are several ways to get Crafting Scrolls:
- Purchasing a Crafting Scroll from a vendor, such as Balor or one of the Saturday Market vendors
- Getting a Crafting Scroll as a Quest reward
- Finding Crafting Scrolls as random loot
How to Use The Mill
Once you've repaired the bridge, you'll be tasked with repairing The Mill to the east of the General Store. The Mill will require some 150 Wood, 200 Stone, and 2 Copper Ingots, and 1,000 Tessarae to repair. Once you do, you'll be able to use the Mill to make items.
The Mill can craft the following items:
- Various kinds of Animal Feed
- Butter, Cheese, and Mayonnaise from animal products
- Flour, Rice, and Sugar from plants
- Grass Starter and Paper
These items are largely used for tending to your animals and cooking. If you plan on having a lot of animals, it's very important to get The Mill up and running as soon as possible!
Keep in mind that crafting items at The Mill does not advance your progress with the woodworking skill (or any other skills). That means that it also won't benefit from the skills that reduce crafting time in the Early Access launch version of the game. However, certain items can be crafted faster; certain ranching skills, for example, can speed up crafting animal feed.
Thanks for reading our Fields of Mistria Crafting Guide. You can learn more about the game by checking out our other guides below!
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