ELEX 2 Kids Reward

ELEX 2 Detective Achievement | Kids In The Fort Guide

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Published: March 1, 2022 11:32 AM

In the Berserker Fort, you'll encounter a few kids doing investigations of their own. At first, it seems like they're just playing a game, but as you interact with them more - the pieces start coming together. Follow our guide to helping the kids in the fort, to unlock the Elex 2 Detective Achievement.

Guard the Bottles Mission

Outside of Chloe's bar you'll see a boy named Bobby talking to himself, and if you talk to him, he'll explain he's on a case and that he and his friends are searching for clues. Answer his questions, and then he'll have you guard the bottles. Exciting stuff.

Guard The Bottles ELEX 2

Examine the bottles, then just...stand there. A guard will walk up to you, and you can answer his questions how you wish, but he'll "have his eye on you" and you can go back to waiting.

Next up, a Berserker Bum will walk up to you and say he wants the bottles to get "the last drop" from. Tell him to go away or pay him off with 20 shards for reduced destruction. After that, you can wait as long as you want, but Bobby won't be coming back.

However,  if you head north along the path, you'll find Bobby outside a shelter near the traders on the west side of The Fort - you can talk to him, and he'll tell you it was all a game.

Justin's Investigation

If you head to the north near Tilas' hut, you'll also bump into a kid named Justin, who informs you that he has an "active crime scene" and you can ask if you can help. Follow the dialog prompts and answer all of his questions - then he'll run off to the shelter where Bobby from the previous mission is.

Follow Petra

Continue north towards the wall, and you'll bump into the final kid - Petra, who wants to show you something. Follow her behind the hut, and answer all her questions, then she'll run off to talk to Hitch. Run around the front and talk to Hitch, who will explain what happened and tell you to avoid the kids.

Petra ELEX 2

Elex 2 Kids In The Fort Investigation

If you head towards the trading area on the west side of the fort, you'll find all 3 kids chatting about their investigation - led by Justin. Stand nearby to listen in and Justin will give each kid instructions and send them on their way - at this point, there's no reason to follow them on their investigations - head out to some of your other missions and return in a few days.

Hitch and the Three Investigators

After a few days, the kids will have completed their "investigations" and you can eavesdrop on their conversation discussing what to do next. When they've finished, walk over and talk to Justin. He'll hand you a journal, saying that Striker has been blaming them for things they didn't do.

Read Striker's Notebook, and you'll find out something shady is going on and that Striker is not too happy about Hitch not going along with it. You have two options here:

Striker's Notebook - Tell Justin The Truth?

  • Tell Justin the truth - mission continues (see below, required to unlock "Detective" achievement)
  • Lie to Justin - mission is canceled but starts "Find a Taker for Striker's Notebook" which can net you 400-450 Elexit.

Assuming you tell Justin, he'll ask that you take the notebook to Fenris near the entrance to the Upper Fort. Approach Fenris with the notebook, and you have two choices:

  • Tell Fenris the kids figured it out, which will unlock the ELEX 2 Detective Achievement
  • Tell Fenris you don't do things for free and receive 300 Elexit (This will piss the kids off and cancel the mission when you return to them.)
Kids Investigation ELEX 2

Assuming you told Fenris the kids figured it out - he'll send you back to the kids to have them come to see him. Justin will give you his Business Card (honestly delightful) and you can follow them back to Fenris, who makes them his "personal guard" and gives them unlimited rations.

In the end, if you helped the kids in The Fort - you won't get much of a reward in Elexit, but at least you helped some kids who don't have much and unlocked an achievement!

Rutledge Daugette
| CEO and Founder

Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge

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Piranha Bytes
THQ Nordic
Release Date
March 1, 2022 (Calendar)
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