In this Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Guide for Beginners, I'll tell you what you need to know to get started with Chromatic Games' action roguelike!
Quicklinks: Mechanics | How to Play | Heroes | Talent Tree | F.A.Q.
What is Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue?
Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue is a spin-off of the Dungeon Defenders franchise. While previous games in the franchise tend to focus on action RPG elements, Going Rogue adds in a mix of tower defense and roguelite mechanics.
How Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue is Different From Other Dungeon Defenders Games
While there are subtle differences throughout the game, the biggest change to Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue is the addition of roguelite mechanics -- a departure for the series.
Players can enhance their individual Heroes by spending points in the Talent Tree or by increasing the Mastery Level of a Hero. However, a significant portion of your power is determined by the random Runes and Gear you find throughout the game, especially if you decide to upgrade it.

Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Mechanics You Need To Know
The first key part of our Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Guide for Beginners is an explanation of the game's mechanics.
Heroes are the playable characters. The Squire is unlocked by default, and the Apprentice, Huntress, and Monk must be unlocked by raising your Account Level.
Gear is the equipment your Heroes carry into battle. All Heroes have default Gear, but you can swap it out by looting new Gear during a session. You do not keep any Gear you've looted once a game is over.
Defenses are the Towers, Blockades, and Traps that your heroes can place to deal with enemies. All Heroes start with 1 Defense item and can carry a total of 2 Defense items while playing. You do not keep any Defense items you've looted once a game is over.
Runes are passive bonuses that are applied to your Hero. Heroes do not start with any Runes unless you've increased their Mastery level.
Gold is the currency in Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue. It is used in the Tavern to purchase new items and upgrades. You do not keep any Gold you've acquired once a game is over.
The Tavern
The Tavern is the lobby where you get ready for games. You can also visit the Tavern during games at certain times by going through a portal; this will allow you to upgrade Defenses, buy new Defenses or Gear, or play the Slot Machine for the chance to win more Runes.
Maps are where you fight your battles against the forces of darkness.
The Core is a giant crystal that you must protect from enemies. If the Core is destroyed, you lose the game and must start over.
Enemies will spawn through one of several doors during a Wave, usually in groups.
Each Map has several Waves for the player to go through. You'll see the number of remaining Enemies (and what Wave you're on) at the top of the screen while in a game.
Bosses are occasional battles with slightly different rules. There is no Core to protect. If everyone on your team dies, however, you'll lose.
Account Level
The Account Level is your overall progression. You must raise your Account Level to unlock additional Heroes beyond the Squire.
Hero Mastery
Hero Mastery is a leveling system for individual heroes. Increasing Hero Mastery unlocks default Runes for that Hero.
Talents are account-wide passive buffs that can apply to all of your Heroes. You get Talent Points every time you increase your Account Level. Unfortunately, you cannot reset your Talents as of Early Access Version 0.9.30508.EA.

Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Guide for Beginners - How to Play
Playing Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue is fairly straightforward. First, you'll assemble your party in the lobby, represented by the Tavern (as is tradition). Players can select from the Heroes that they've unlocked.
Once everyone is ready to go, you'll be dropped into your first map. Everyone must ready up to begin the next Wave. Then, Enemies start coming in through the various doors on the Map. Players must kill the enemies using their Spells and Defenses before the Enemies destroy the Core. Every few maps, you'll end up facing a Boss. You have no Core to protect during a Boss Fight; instead, your job is to kill the Boss.
You can continue to play the game until you've lost. While you'll earn progression on your Account Level and Hero Mastery, you will not keep any of the Gear, Runes, or Gold you've earned while playing -- that's the "roguelike" part of the game.
Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Heroes / Classes
There are a total of four Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Heroes available at launch: Squire, Apprentice, Huntress, and Monk. Only Squire is available at first -- you'll have to unlock the other three Heroes / Classes by increasing your Account Level.
The Squire is the classic "sword and board" style of hero that mainly uses melee attacks, although he can throw his shield for ranged damage and can do a lot of AOE damage in close quarters.
Unlocked at:
Unlocked by default.
- HP - 90
- Shield - 10
- Melee Attack - Attack with your currently-equipped Melee Weapon.
- Shield Throw - Throw your shield, dealing Damage and Bouncing between up to 3 enemies.
- Circular Slice - Deals Damage to all enemies in range.]
- Blood Boil - Gain HP Regen, Armor, Attack, Skill, Knockback, and Speed while active.
- Dash - Gain a quick burst of speed and invincibility while active.
- Harpoon Tower - Fires Piercing projectiles at enemies.
- DPS - 37
- Max HP - 100
- Damage - 53
- Rate - 1.42s
- Range - 650
- Duration - 10s
- Cooldown - 20s
- Bowling Ball Tower - Fires Exploding projectiles at enemies.
- DPS - 109
- Max HP - 162
- Damage - 105
- Rate - 0.95s
- Range - 550
- Duration - 15s
- Cooldown - 45s
- Bouncer Blockade - Melee damage and high Knockback to enemies.
- DPS - 27
- Max HP - 188
- Damage - 52
- Rate - 1.92s
- Range - 130
- Duration - 20s
- Cooldown - 30s
- Slice N' Dice Blockade - Melee damage to nearby enemies.
- DPS - 40
- Max HP - 300
- Damage - 58
- Rate - 1.42s
- Range - 180
- Duration - 20s
- Cooldown - 45s
- Sniper Cannon - Fires long-range projectiles at enemies.
- DPS - 101
- Max HP - 100
- Damage - 297
- Rate - 2.92s
- Range - 1,000
- Duration - 20s
- Cooldown - 45s
Starting Gear
- Training Sword
- DPS - 72
- Damage - 24
- Rate - 0.33s
- Crit - 5%
- Crit Dmg - 50%
- Training Shield
- Max HP +12%
- Armor +20%
- HP Regen +1%
- Harpoon Tower
- 2 - Vitality Rune, Max HP +20%
- 3 - Strongarm Rune, Attack +10%
- 4 - Bladenado Rune - Circular Slice summons a Tornado that deals periodic Bonus Damage (50% Damage). Lasts 3s.
- 5 - Armored Rune, Armor +10%
- 6 - Explosive Shield Rune - Shield Throw Explodes (50% Damage) On-Hit.
The Apprentice is a spellcaster that fires magical projectiles at range that can track enemies. This can be helpful for hitting faraway targets, but it can also be a hindrance if it locks onto the wrong target.
Unlocked at:
Unlocked at Level 3.
- HP - 50
- Shield - 50
- Ranged Attack - Attack with your currently equipped Ranged weapon.
- Arcane Blast - Charge and fire a Piercing projectile. Projectile Size increases with Charge Time.
- Mana Bomb - Channel a giant Explosion at your location.
- Overcharge - Gain Max Shield, Haste, Skill, and Ability while active and Auto-Charge Skills.
- Dash - Gain a quick burst of speed and Invincibility while active.
- Magic Missile Tower - Fires projectiles at enemies.
- DPS - 50
- Max HP - 462
- Damage - 47
- Rate - 0.93s
- Range - 650
- Duration - 10s
- Cooldown - 20s
- Elemental Blockade - Shocks enemies when attacked.
- DPS - 0
- Max HP - 340
- Damage - 32
- Rate -N/A
- Range - N/A
- Duration - 20s
- Cooldown - 30s
- Flameburst Tower - Fires Exploding projectiles at enemies.
- DPS - 42
- Max HP - 144
- Damage - 62 (Fire)
- Rate - 1.47s
- Range - 550
- Duration - 20s
- Cooldown - 40s
- Lightning Tower - Deals damage and Stuns nearby enemies.
- DPS - 41
- Max HP -125
- Damage - 45 (Lightning)
- Rate - 0.33
- Lifespawn - 0.5s
- Reset Time - 1.65s
- Range - 550
- Duration - 15s
- Cooldown - 45s
- Deadly Striker Tower - Locks-On and fires a projectile that Instantly hits the target, even through walls.
- DPS - 118
- Max HP - 125
- Damage - 118
- Rate - 1s
- Range - 1,000
- Duration - 10s
- Cooldown - 45s
Starting Gear
- Beginner's Staff
- DPS - 58
- Damage - 29
- Rate - 0.5s
- Projectiles - 1
- Recruit's Guide
- Max HP +12%
- Shield +20%
- Magic Missile Tower
- 2 - Vitality Rune, Max HP +20%
- 3 - Strongarm Rune, Attack +10%
- 4 - Mana Radiation Rune - Mana Bomb applies Aftershock (75% Damage) On-Hit. Lasts 3s.
- 5 - Shielded Rune, Shield +20%
- 6 - Rearmed Rune - Mana Bomb Explodes (100% Damage) 1 additional time(s).
The Huntress is the second ranged attacker in Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue. Unlike her Apprentice counterpart, her ranged attacks will only go exactly where you fire them. She uses Traps instead of Blockades and Towers.
Unlocked at:
Unlocked at Level 9
- HP - 50
- Shield - 25
- Ranged Attack - Attack with your currently equipped Ranged weapon.
- Grenade Toss - Fires an Exploding projectile.
- Phoenix Shot - Fires a Piercing projectile.
- Adrenaline Rush - Gain Dodge, Haste, and Speed while active.
- Dash - Gain a quick burst of speed and Invincibility while active.
- Thunder Spike Trap - Deals damage to the targeted enemy when triggered.
- DPS - 63
- Damage - 37 (Lightning)
- Reset Time - 1.05s
- Range - 375
- Duration - 10s
- Cooldown - 20s
- Explosive Trap - Explodes when triggered.
- DPS - 57
- Damage - 57
- Reset Time - 1s
- Range - 125
- Duration - 5s
- Cooldown - 15s
- Poison Trap - Stuns enemies while active.
- DPS - 0
- Lifespan - 3s
- Reset Time - 1s
- Range - 325
- Duration - 20s
- Cooldown - .0s
- Inferno Trap - Deals periodic damage to all enemies in range while active.
- DPS - 37
- Damage - 37 (Fire)
- Rate - 0.5
- Lifespan - 2s
- Reset Time -2s
- Range - 350
- Duration - 15s
- Cooldown - 45s
- Poison Dart Thrower - Fires projectiles at enemies.
- DPS - 115
- Max HP - 200
- Damage - 56 (Poison)
- Rate - 1.45s
- Projectiles - 3
- Range - 550
- Duration - 20s
- Cooldown - 20s
Starting Gear
- First Hunt
- DPS - 60
- Damage - 20
- Rate - 0.33s
- Projectiles - 1
- Recruit's Pouch
- Max HP +12%
- Dodge +10%
- Thunder Spike Trap
- 2 - Vitality Rune, Max HP +20%
- 3 - Strongarm Rune, Attack +10%
- 4 - Burning Phoenix Rune - Phoenix Shot applies Burned (Fire Damage, 33% Damage) On-Hit.
- 5 - Elusive Rune, Dodge +10%
- 6 - Focus Fire Rune - Gain Focus Fire (5%) On-Hit (Attacks). Stacks 10 times.
We haven't yet unlocked the Monk, so we don't know exactly how it's implemented in this game. That said, it appears that it isn't unlocked until at least Level 17 at the minimum according to this post on the game's Steam Community boards.
Unlocked at:
Unlocked at Level ?
- ?
- ?
- ?
Starting Gear
- ?
- ?
Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Talent Tree
These are the account-wide Talents that you can unlock in Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue.
Offense Talents
Level 0
Heavy Handed
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +4% Attack for Melee Heroes.
- Level 2 - +6% Attack for Melee Heroes.
- Level 3 - +8% Attack for Melee Heroes.
- Level 4 -
Sharp Shooter
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +4% Attack for Ranged Heroes.
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Amped Up
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Haste +2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 4
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Skill +4%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Skill CD -2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 9
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Ability +4%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Ability CD -2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 24
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +2% Crit Chance for Melee Heroes.
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +50% Crit Damage for Melee Heroes.
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
More Ammo
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +1 Projectiles for Ranged Heroes.
Level 49
Runic Blows
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +1% Attack for each Unique Rune equipped.
Learned Skill
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +1% Skill for each Unique Rune equipped.
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +20% Attack, SKill, and Ability when you have an active defense.
Defense Talents
Level 0
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Max HP +4%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Power +4%
- Level 2 - Power +6%
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 4
Increase Production
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Haste +2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Far Reach
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Range +4%
- Level 2 - Range +6%
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 9
Efficient Builder
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Def CD -2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Duration +2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 24
Charged Up
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Defenses gain +5% Power and Haste when using Abilities. Lasts 5s.
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 49
Powerful Research
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Defenses gain +1% Power for each Unique Rune equipped.
Quick Study
- Talent - Defense
- Level 1 - Defenses gain +1% Haste for each Unique Rune equipped.
Survival Talents
Level 0
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Max HP +5%
- Level 2 - Max HP +10%
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Thicker Shield
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Shield +5%
- Level 2 - Shield +10%
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 4
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Armor +2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Dodge +2%
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 9
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - Restore 5% HP after every wave.
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 24
Emergency Reserves
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +5% Armor On-Shield-Break for 4s.
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +5% Armor On-Dash for 4s.
- Level 2 -
- Level 3 -
- Level 4 -
Level 49
Second Wind
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - 50% Chance to restore 25% HP On-Death.
Back Pack
- Talent - Hero
- Level 1 - +2% Max HP for each Unique Rune equipped.
Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue F.A.Q.
Does Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Have Online Multiplayer?
Yes, Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue has multiplayer, although you'll only be able to invite your Steam friends into the game as of Version 0.9.30508.EA.
Does Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Have Matchmaking?
No, Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue does not have matchmaking as of Version 0.9.30508.EA.
How Many Heroes Are in Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue?
There are four heroes in Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue as of its Early Access launch Version 0.9.30508.EA: Squire, Apprentice, Huntress, and Monk.
Is Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Free-to-Play?
No, Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue is not a free-to-play game.
Does Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Have Microtransactions?
No, Dungeon Defenders; Going Rogue does not have microtransactions.
How Do I Reset My Talents in Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue?
Unfortunately, you cannot reset your Talents as of Early Access Version 0.9.30508.EA.
And that's it for our Dungeon Defenders: Going Rogue Guide for Beginners. Have fun!