Image of your ship in Dredge outside of a bridge that can be destroyed with explosives

Where to get the Explosives In Dredge

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Published: November 14, 2023 2:19 PM

As you make your way through the world of Dredge, you'll encounter roadblocks that will prevent you from accessing certain areas, whether it be a wall of rocks or a small wall. These can be broken up with an explosion, but if you're going a non-linear way across the map like I did, you'll be a bit lost on where to get Dredge explosives! Here's how.

Unlocking Explosives in Dredge

To get explosives, you’ll have to head to the ruins southeast of Ingfell, found at the top of N3. You’ll find a hermit, who you’ll complete the “Hermitage” Pursuit with. Once you’ve returned him to Ingfell, his brother will open up shop where you can buy explosives.

Once you’ve unlocked explosives, the traveling trader found at the Charred Pontoon (P12), Dusty Pontoon (top of N4), and Starlight Pontoon (E2) will start trading them for $400. If you buy some and need more, simply sleep until the next day and you can purchase additional explosives.

Explosives are a critical part of the game, allowing you to unlock new paths, open areas that contain critical items like Sheet Metal, or remove obstacles that block you from progressing in the story.

Always make sure you have at least 1 explosive with you, it will prevent you from needing to backtrack in order to purchase or transfer some from your storage!

Screen of the Trader Selling You Explosives In Dredge

How to get more explosives in Dredge

If you need more – you can purchase 4 at a time from the Whaler in Ingfell, or if you’re at one of the other islands – the traveling trader (G13, P12, N4, and E2) sells two at a time. If you need more than two, just sleep for 24 hours and they'll respawn!

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Black Salt Games
Release Date
March 30, 2023 (Calendar)
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