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Deliver Us Mars Collectibles Locations Guide

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Published: February 7, 2023 11:16 AM

In this Deliver Us Mars Collectible Locations Guide, we'll list all of the Collectibles we've discovered, which Chapter they're in, and how to find them.

How Deliver Us Mars Collectibles Work

Deliver Us Mars Collectibles are pieces of lore or information that you can find in the game. Collectibles will be highlighted with blue lines when you're near them. When you're close enough, you can scan them to add the Collectible to your Astrotool menu (which you can access by pressing Tab).

Collectibles can only be picked up the first time you encounter them. After that, you won't be able to interact with them again, although they will remain in your Astrotool. This means that you can replay earlier Chapters to pick up any Collectibles you may have missed without worrying about having to pick up the ones you already have.

Deliver Us Mars Collectible Locations Guide - Zephyr-III Torpor Pods
Collectibles will be highlighted when you get near them; scanning them will reveal a pop-up of information. You won't be able to rediscover Collectibles if you replay a previous Chapter.

Deliver Us Mars Collectible Locations List

Here is a list of all of the Deliver Us Mars Collectible locations that we've found so far.

You can click on the name of each Collectible to find its specific location in its respective Chapter Guide.

Note: This guide is in progress -- it will be updated as we play through the game and discover more Collectibles.

Saving a Planet

Collectible Name Chapter Location
The WSA Globe 1 Outside the WSA Headquarters.
Rolf's Space Suit 1 In the WSA museum, on your way to eavesdrop on the meeting.
Mission Gear 1 At the bottom of the spaceship elevator, look to your left.
Sarah to Ryan 2 After you wake up from the dream where you're trapped in a cockpit underwater, examine the floating Astrotool with an orange screen in the Control Center.
Pearson Space Station Debris 2 Floating behind the Zephyr on your first EVA at the start of Chapter 2.
Zephyr-III Torpor Pods 2 After you wake up from the dream where you're trapped in a cockpit underwater, go across the hall to the Torpor Room and turn right.
Sarah and Ryan's Escape Pod 5 Look for a red light in the desert to your right as you're driving to the ARK.
A Bee Farm! 9 On the right side of the road in the habitat.

About the Tech

Collectible Name Chapter Location
Oxygen Regulation Pump 4 Right after the airlock of the first building you enter.
Herschel Megaharvester 4 (Re)Scan the Large Crusher Machine to the left of the elevator you need to power up. The thing with the massive sawblade.
Ares Rover 5 On the left side of the room at the top of the ARK elevator entrance.
Medical Cryo Pod 5 In a small room to the right after entering the Medical section.
Odun Cable Car 6 On the path to the facility after you finish climbing down the ice walls.
Remnants of ARK Labos 8 In front of the wreckage of ARK Labos.
LABOS Solar Panels 8 At the end of the corridor after you climb up the walls for the first time. You can see them outside through the broken wall.
Labos' Rotation Shuttle 8 After collecting the Comic in Chapter 8, you'll climb up along the side of the wreckage - but before you start using your axes - look down and you'll see a shuttle to scan for this collectible scan!

Family Matters

Collectible Name Chapter Location
Moonbear 2 After you wake up from the dream where you're trapped in a cockpit underwater, head toward the door and look in your personal locker for the teddy bear.
Can I Count on You, Old Friend? 4 In the building to the right of the quarry elevator's bottom.
Naoki to Merlin 4 In the stilted building on the valley floor, just past the elevator.
You're Not a Kid Anymore 4 Automatically unlocked at the end of Chapter 4.
Who Would Leave Their Daughter? 6 On the second floor of the Odun facility's second building .
Meet Me at ARK Vita 8 In the fancy quarters on the opposite side of the Pantopticon.
Stanley to Isaac 9 On the second floor of the home that's under construction in the habitat.

On Running a Colony

Collectible Name Chapter Location
On the Edge of Greatness 3 A Hologram found in the upper center of the chamber with dozens of cryopods.
Toppled Crane 4 On the canyon wall near the stilted building on the valley floor.
The Answer is No 4 In the building after you use the hanging prefab panel to climb up the cliffs.
Prefab Panels 4 Above the building after you use the hanging prefab panel to climb up the cliffs, in a canyon.
Rosa's Family Photo 5 Right after the entrance of the Medical section's second floor.
What Did I Walk in On? 5 In the next room after the Medical section's second floore entrance.
Weaknesses in the Fence 5 In the daycare on the far side of the Medical section's third floor.
Kindergarten Toys 5 In the daycare on the far side of the Medical section's third floor.
Viktoria to Luis 6 In the loading dock in the second building of the Odun facility.
Fungi Grow Cabinets 6 In the first big room in the third building of the Odun facility.
Greenhouse Weeds 6 On the upper deck of the greenhouse catwalks.
Outward or Earth 6 At the end of the cutscene in the ruined greenhouse.
Orrery 7 Before going up the elevator at the start of the chapter, look up and to your left to inspect the Orrery.
Security A.S.E.'s 7 At the top of the elevator you take at the start of Chapter 7.
Yihan to Joyce 7 On the second level of the living quarters after the room of corpses.
Housing Project Signup Station 7 Behind the corridor where you see ACE in the living quarters.
The Panopticon Terminal 8 On the left side of the Panopticon.

The People of Outward

Collectible Name Chapter Location
Outward Colonist's Uniform 3 An orange uniform floating inside the Structures section of ARK Labos, a short distance after you enter.
Luxmi to Mayooran 3 When you enterer the first vertical area, which contains your first hologram - to the right of where you enter, you'll find an open pad with a device to scan.
Jeremy to Kofi 3 Found in the side room next to the room with the yellow robotic arms after ARK Engine POTENTIA.
Tahani to Jeremy 4 Just outside of the building after you use the hanging prefab panel to climb up the canyon.
Alina to Gerben 4 Above the building after you use the hanging prefab panel to climb up the clifs, in a canyon, and to the left of the Prefab Panels Collectible.
Sahil to Hannah 5 In the nurse's station towards the rear of the Medical section's first floor.
Sofia to Yara 5 In a small office in the Medical section on the first floor.
Raynor to Dom 7 In the first room after you go through the door that opened itself.
PHILOSOBOT to Brian 8 On the opposite side of the tunnel you ascend with your Climbing Axes.

A Divergence

Collectible Name Chapter Location
Prison Accounting Terminal 5 In the small office right after crouching under the door on the Medical section's second floor.
Remco to Daniel 5 In the small office right after crouching under the door on the Medical section's second floor.
Anna to Paul 6 As you exit the second Odum building, you'll see a platform directly across you can't reach - jump across to the right and enter the next building, then take a left to go back out an airlock to find this message sitting on a crate.
Destroyed Heating Coils 6 In the room with the heating coils in the third building of the Odun facility.
Bas to Sander 6 In the underwater area of the Odun facility's third building.
Your Words Lit the Fuse 6 In the room with the heating coils in the third building of the Odun facility.
Mindless Irrational Beasts 7 Automatically unlocked after watching the cutscene in the early parts of Chapter 7.
The Madness of It All 7 After opening the first locked door in the first level of the living quarters.
Are You Still Alive? 7 Automatically unlocked at the end of Chapter 7.
Adrift 8 Accessed in the room to the left of the transformer after you power it up.
Guy to Robbie 8 On the left side of the ARK Labos bridge.
A Hole in the Ship 8 In the corridor right before you re-enter the ARK Labos bridge after repairing the MPT dish.
No Way Out 8 On the left side of the Panopticon.

The ARK Engines

Collectible Name Chapter Location
POTENTIA 3 A group of glowing yellow cylinders found beyond the cryonics tube, straight ahead.
PANACEA 5 On the Bridge at the top of the ARK.
PANGEA Epilogue In the room behind the bridge.


Collectible Name Chapter Location
Moonman Bundle Vol. 1 Prologue On Kathy's toy chest by the window in her room.
Moonman Bundle Vol. 2 1 Found on a picnic table to the left of the stairs leading up to the globe.
Moonman Bundle Vol. 3 2 During the underwater section of the chapter, you'll find this under some debris when your dad stops in front of a large piece of the fallen ship. It's behind him on your right, as he stops on your left.
Marsman Issue #1 "Marooned" 3 Found in the side room next to the room with the yellow robotic arms after ARK Engine POTENTIA.
Marsman Issue #2 "Evolution" 4 On top of a lower cliff right after you activate the MPT to power the elevator.
Marsman Issue #3 "Uttara" 5 In an open prison cell on the second floor of the Medical section.
Marsman Issue #4 "Rite" 6 In the underwater section, after the destroyed heating coils - you'll open a door to shift a box across the hall. Jump up above where the box moves to for this comic.
Marsman Issue #5 "Revelations" 7 On the far side of the sleeping area's second floor.
Marsman Issue #6 "Agency" 8 On the far side of the structure after you complete the falling walls Climbing sequence.
Marsman Issue #7 "Convergence" 9 In a bedroom on the second floor of the house that's under construction in the habitat.
Marsman Issue #8 "Celebration" Epilogue Floating in the center of the bridge.

That's the end of our Deliver Us Mars Collectible Locations Guide. Make sure to check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Deliver Us Mars
KeokeN Interactive
Frontier Foundry
Release Date
February 2, 2023 (Calendar)
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