In this guide, we'll detail the Deliver Us Mars Chapter 2 Puzzles and Collectibles that can be found while the Zephyr is journeying to Mars.
< Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Puzzles and Collectibles | Chapter 3 >
Chapter 2 of Deliver Us Mars is centered on the spaceship Zephyr making its journey from Earth to Mars. Unfortunately, it's not quite as sturdy as you'd like it to be and you'll have to fix some problems along the way.
Deliver Us Mars Chapter 2 Puzzle Solutions
Here are the Deliver Us Mars Chapter 2 Puzzle Solutions we've found.
Quicklinks: Conduct an EVA to Fix the Thruster | Fix the Ship
Conduct an EVA to Fix the Thruster
Chapter 2 quite literally begins with a bang -- something has gone wrong not too long after launch. You'll have to go outside and perform an EVA to inspect the damage to the thruster and repair it.
Before you go into space, keep in mind that your Oxygen will be slowly depleting while you're in space. You shouldn't have to rush, but you are on a timer of sorts.
Head outside and move toward the rear of the ship. You'll notice a large piece of space station debris behind the ship; you can interact with it to pick up the Pearson Space Station Debris Collectible. Then, you'll have to perform a visual inspection of the thruster parts by interacting with them one piece at a time.
After the inspection is complete, you'll be instructed to turn the power off. Open the yellow door at the back of the ship and pull the lever at the bottom of the panel. This will cut power to the thruster.
You can now start using your Cutting Laser to remove the debris. Be careful, though -- hitting more than one of the yellow cylinders will cause an explosion that will kill you, forcing you to start this Puzzle over again.
Once you're done cutting, you'll have to turn the power back on. Open the power panel with the yellow door again. You'll see five switches with either red or white lights above them at the top of the panel. Turn the handles underneath the red lights, then pull the yellow lever on the top left.
Next, you'll have to flip some switches in the middle row. I'm numbering them from 1 to 5 here:
The sequence is 2, 4, 5, 1, 3.
Finally, you'll have to pull the lever at the bottom to turn the power back on. That's the end of this Puzzle -- you can head back into the airlock.
Fix the Ship
After a short dream sequence where you're underwater, you'll head to the cockpit to open up the windows. You're a lot closer to Mars, but that troublesome thruster you fixed before is acting up again.
You'll have to do an EVA again and head out into space. Remember, your Oxygen will slowly be depleting while you're out there. You won't have to rush, but don't take too long, either!
As before, you'll have to interact with the thruster to see what kind of damage it has. This time, it's determined to be too far gone -- you'll have to cut it away from the ship.
Open up the power panel as instructed and you'll see electricity arcing from the handle. Interact with the handle from a distance and you'll be instructed to cut the power cable to the left.
Next, you'll have to cut the metal plates at the base of the thruster. Be extremely careful not to hit any of the yellow canisters at the base of the thruster. Note that there are also yellow canisters underneath the plates. Use your Cutting Laser slowly and methodically.
After you cut away a plate, you'll find several yellow circles with bolts underneath the plate.
Cut the yellow cylinders away, one at a time.
Repeat the process around the thruster: cut the plate away, then cut the yellow cylinders underneath it away. Take care not to hit the yellow canisters.
Regardless of how safe you are, an explosion will eventually go off and catapult you away from the ship. Your visor is cracked and you'll have to float back to the airlock before your Oxygen runs out. This Puzzle is done; shortly afterward, you'll have another flashback sequence where you learn how to use the Climbing Axes.
Deliver Us Mars Chapter 2 Collectible Locations
Here are the Deliver Us Mars Chapter 2 Collectible locations we've found.
Comics #3 / Moonman Bundle Vol. 3
During the underwater section where you're diving with your dad - you'll approach a large part of a crashed ship and he'll stop outside before you head right up the middle. Behind him, in some debris to the right, you'll find this one.
Saving a Planet #4 / Sarah to Ryan
You can find the "Sarah to Ryan" message on an Astrotool (wrist device) with an orange screen in the Control Center after you wake up from the nightmare where you're trapped in a cockpit underwater.
Saving a Planet #5 / Zephyr-III Torpor Pods
You can find the Zephyr-III Torpor Pods in the Torpor Room across the hall from the Sleeping Quarters after you wake up from the nightmare where you're trapped in a cockpit underwater.
Saving a Planet #6 / Pearson Space Station Debris
You can find the Pearson Space Station Debris behind the Zephyr when you go out for your first EVA to examine the damaged thruster. It may seem far away, but you can safely fly to it and come back to the Zephyr without running out of Oxygen.
Family Matters #1 / Moonbear
You can find your teddy bear Moonbear in your locker in the Sleeping Quarters after you wake up from the nightmare where you're trapped in a cockpit underwater.
< Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 Puzzles and Collectibles | Chapter 3 >
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