Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - cover

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide

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Published: February 6, 2023 4:55 PM

In this Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide, we'll detail how to solve puzzles and find collectibles in Chapter 1 of the game.

< Starter Guide | Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles | Chapter 2 >

Chapter 1 of Deliver Us Mars details your journey from the surface of the earth and into outer space. You'll learn some of the basic mechanics such as how to use the Cutting Laser and control AYLA, your A.S.E. robot.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzle Solutions

Here are the Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzle Solutions we've found.

Quicklinks: Fix the MPT DishGet Into the Meeting with Maria | Prepare for Lift-off

Fix the MPT Dish

Chapter 1 opens with you standing atop an "MPT Dish," a station that receives microwave energy beamed down from the moon. It's been damaged and it's up to you to repair it.

Move down towards the staircase at the center of the dish, then climb down the ladder at the bottom of the receiver. You'll see two "stream points" ahead -- one has a blue beam and a power icon over it, and the other is blocked by some debris.

Use your cutting tool to cut away the debris. You'll then have to move down some stairs and ladders to get to two buildings below.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Fix the MPT Dish 01

Go to the building on the left. The window on the building has three cutting points at the bottom; use your Cutting Laser to cut these and open up the window.

Next, head inside the building and you'll see a door on the floor with more cutting points. Cut these open and a device with a laser will pop out of the ground. Interact with the device and aim the beam at the receiver above the doorway of the other building.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Fix the MPT Dish 02

Next, head over to the other building. Go inside and you'll find another laser device.

Aim this second device at the receiving point on the outside of the building to the left.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Fix the MPT Dish 03

Now that this is done, exit the right-hand building and go back to the building on the left.

Move the laser slightly to the left to hook up to the other connection point.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Fix the MPT Dish 04

That's the end of the puzzle! Your objective is now complete and you can move on. Head down the stairs and hop in the truck to drive to WSA Headquarters.

Get Into the Meeting with Maria

The next major puzzle in Chapter 1 involves Kathy trying to listen in on the meeting with Maria and the other astronauts.

Head down the hallways and you'll see a vent with three cutting points. Cut the points to open the vent, then climb in.

Go down the stairs and you'll see some debris blocking the staircase. Use your Cutting Laser to open up a path and jump over the debris. At the bottom, you'll find a large room with two platforms.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Get Into the Meeting with Maria 01

Activate the controls on the right to raise the platform up out of the ground.

Jump down and activate the other platform. It will start moving to the right. Jump on the raised platform, then jump onto the moving platform. If you miss the platform, you can send the floating platform back with the same controls and try again. Alternatively, you can jump to it by standing on one of the machines or furniture in the room.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Get Into the Meeting with Maria 02

Once you're on the suspended platform, jump on top of the white cylinder nearby and look up. You'll see a round grate with four cutting points.

Use your Cutting Laser to open up the grate.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Get Into the Meeting with Maria 03

You'll then have to take control of your Ayla, your A.S.E. robot. Send Ayla into the vent and proceed through; it's a straightforward path to a vent that will let you listen in on the meeting.

Sit and wait for the conversation to be finished. You'll then have to proceed further through the ducts and around some pipes to listen in on the remainder of the conversation. Once you reach that point, you'll have completed this Puzzle (and the Objective).

Prepare for Lift-off

The Prepare for Lift-off Puzzle is fairly straightforward. For the most part, you'll have to activate switches on the three panels in front of you.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide - Prepare for Lift-off 01

First up is the system check. There is a bank of 8 switches on the top of the right panel. They'll be called out and light up with a red light. Flip each switch with a red light.

The other astronauts will do some other checks for a few moments; you'll then be instructed to do "strongback retract." On the top of the left panel is a simple on-off switch with a slider. Push the switch, then drag the slider down.

After another few checks from the crew, you'll be instructed to retract the orbiter access arm. Interact with the joystick on the bottom of the center panel. Then, move the arm to the right.

Once that's done, you'll be immediately told to start the auxiliary power units. Look at the bottom of the right panel and you'll see four sliders. Slide each switch over the lights until the lights turn blue.

Next, you'll be told to retract the gaseous oxygen vent arm. Look back at the left panel -- you'll see a dial with the number 40 below it. Rotate the dial until it reads 0, then slide down the switch next to it. You'll then have to grab the joystick again and move the arm down.

Your next step is to switch to internal power. Look at the right-side panel -- there's a red button with a slider on the top right. Push the red button, then move the slider up.

A few more checks get done, then it's time to start the solid fuel thruster. Look at the top right of the center panel and you'll see a red button with an orange light next to it. Push the red button.

You'll hear the engine starting up, and then you'll have to throttle it up. Interact with the throttle handle below the red button you just pushed and the Zephyr will start ascending to space.

It takes a minute or two for the Zephyr to burn through its first engine, so enjoy the view and wait for the first stage of the launch to finish.

Once things settle down, you'll have to initiate stage 1 separation. Look at the top-left of the center panel and you'll see a sliding handle is lit up. Slide it down until the line is over the green indicator, then let go.

Next, you'll have to ignite the second stage. Look at the top-right of the center panel and you'll see another red button with an orange light next to it. Push this button, then push the throttle lever below it forward again.

You'll have to wait for another minute or so while the second engine runs. When it runs out of fuel, you'll have to separate the second stage on the center panel by pulling down the lower sliding lever until the white line is over the green indicator.

When the second stage separates, the screen will read "Cruise mode successfully activated." You've completed this Puzzle and you're now in space -- and at the end of Chapter 1.

Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Collectible Locations

Here are the Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Collectible locations we've found.

Saving a Planet #1 / The WSA Globe

You can find The WSA Globe right outside of the WSA headquarters. It's impossible to miss -- it's the massive golden globe outside of the building.

Comics #2 / Moonman Bundle Vol. 2

After collecting the globe collectible, turn left and head down the staris - on a picnic table you'll find this Comic.

Saving a Planet #2 / Rolf's Space Suit

You can find Rolf's Space Suit at the end of the WPA museum in an alcove right before the exit door.

Saving a Planet #3 / Mission Gear

You can find the Mission Gear in a blue box to the left of the elevator before boarding the spaceship Zephyr.

< Starter Guide | Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles | Chapter 2 >

That's the end of the Deliver Us Mars Chapter 1 Puzzles and Collectibles Guide. Have a look at our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Deliver Us Mars
Game Page Deliver Us Mars
KeokeN Interactive
Frontier Foundry
Release Date
February 2, 2023 (Calendar)
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