Welcome to Blackreef Island in Deathloop. This new game from Arkane and Bethesda follows the story of Colt Vahn trapped in a looping day. Blackreef Island is made up of four different areas; The Complex, Fristad Rock, Updaam, and Karl's Bay. In this Deathloop The Complex District Guide we'll go over at what times of day different Visionaries are present when you can collect important information, and what other opportunities might arise. This guide will remain as spoiler-free as possible for the larger storyline of Deathloop.
The collectibles and notes listed below will only include those that include important information for the Deathloop story, or those that include codes. If you're only interested in learning about where to get codes from them be sure to head to our Deathloop Combination Guide.
The Complex is a rocky region of Blackreef Island. This is where Dr. Wenjie Evans and Egor Serling have their research facilities. For as much as there is above ground at The Complex, there's a labyrinth of tunnels and facilities under the surface. Below is what we've found of importance so far in The Complex.
Deathloop The Complex District Guide - Visionary Leads
Afternoon: You can find Wenjie in her lab in the Afternoon. You'll have already traveled here once before during the tutorial loop.
Evening: You can normally encounter Egor in the evenings after he's successfully conducted his research.
Deathloop The Complex District Guide - Arsenal Leads
If you visit the Complex at Noon and head forward into the main facility you'll get an Arsenal Lead called "In This Together." With this, there are Eternalists that have broken into the Complex's arms depot. As you follow the on-screen directions you'll end up in front of a locked door that requires you to locate and charge three batteries to get in and pick up the Strelak Verso; a gun that can change between being a pair of pistols or a rifle by separating and combining.
Deathloop The Complex District Guide - Other Activities
At the time there are no other activities that have been found in The Complex.
Deathloop The Complex District Guide - Important Notes and Collectibles
There are a number of notes that you'll pick up over the course of the story in The Complex
- Unknown Unknowns (Morning)
- To Reap What You Sow (Morning)
- A Feature, Not a Bug (Morning)
- Notes on Updaam's Cliffside Facility (Afternoon)
- Radial Fluctuations (Evening)
Here are some other important collectibles in the area
- Map of The Complex (Note)
- In the Afternoon you can enter the weapons bunker area and hack the terminal through the window into the locked room. Once in the control room go down the hallway to find the map
- The Sixty-Second Minute: Wenjie Evans (Note and AEON Document)
- This note is one of Wenjie's AEON documents and can be found in Egor's lab located through the complex building and coming out on the other side
- How well do you know Blackreef? (Note)
- This note is one that gives you information for the Fortune Teller, or you can just use our guide to find out the answers. This document is on the bottom floor of Egor's lab on a table to the left of the map showing the different regions of Blackreef.
- Sterelization Protocols (Note)
- This note is found next to the depressurization system in Wenjie's lab. It points you towards where to find the code for the system.
You can find two sets of Minicom Logs adventuring through The Complex.
- One is found in the basement of Wenjie's laboratory in her locked offices, you'll end up traveling here through the story but it won't be accessible for a while.
- The other can be found in the main room of Egor's lab, depending on when you show up there will be a variety of different locks and sensors on this building but if you have the Aether ability then you can simply walk through the alarm triggering lasers
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