In the Chernobylite Moscow Eye mission, there's a special event worth investigating. The Chernobylite trapped soldier is stuck in a wall — we'll tell you how to free him (and what you get if you do)!
Chernobylite is a game that's packed with tough choices. Occasionally, you'll come across a point of interest marked with a <?> on your map. The Moscow Eye mission has one such event with an unfortunate NAR soldier stuck to a wall by some Chernobylite crystals, but there's no immediately obvious solution for freeing him. You can choose to shoot him and put him out of his misery, but it might be a better idea to help him escape.
How to Rescue the Chernobylite Trapped Soldier
Before you can rescue the Chernobylite trapped soldier, you should select the "Attempt to free him" option in dialogue. The soldier isn't too hopeful that you'll actually be able to do anything, but the answer is actually nearby.
Turn around and look at the nearby truck. Walk past the truck and you'll see a piece of Chernobylite stuck in the back. Remove it and the crystals will dissipate, freeing the soldier from their grasp. There's something else nearby you don't want to miss, too:
If you scan the area, you'll find a huge box of goodies right next to the trapped NAR soldier. I'm not sure if these would be the same every playthrough, but you can see what I personally got in the above image — you definitely don't want to pass it up.
Once you're done, you should talk with him again to complete the event. You can then move on with exploring the rest of the level.
Should You 'Give Him a Bullet' or 'Attempt to Free Him'?
The Chernobylite trapped soldier event gives you two choices: "Give him a bullet" (that is, kill him) or "Attempt to Free Him". If you shoot him, you're making sure he doesn't suffer — but there's an upside to letting him go.
The trapped soldier won't attempt to attack you or anything like that. However, he does promise to help you out in the future. A similar event happens earlier in the game, and that soldier I saved with a medkit ended up helping me escape from prison when I was shot by NAR soldiers. Based on that earlier event, I think it's always a good idea to help out NAR soldiers in trouble when you have the opportunity.
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