Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide - cover

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide

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Published: February 28, 2023 6:27 PM

This Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide will tell you how to find this location, how to get the key to open it, and how to solve its puzzles!

Quicklinks: Scientific Testing Ground 11 Location | How to Open Scientific Testing Ground 11
Key Location | Bronze Challenge | Silver Challenge | Gold Challenge | Loot

Where is the Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11?

You can find the Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 9 in the northeast area of the map. It's a standard blue bunker with two locks on the door.

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide - Location

How to Open Scientific Testing Ground 11 in Atomic Heart

You can only open Scientific Testing Ground 11 in Atomic Heart by opening a combination lock and finding a cylindrical key.

Where to Find the Scientific Testing Ground 11 Key in Atomic Heart

You can find the Scientific Testing Ground 11 key by heading to this walled compound to the northwest of Scientific Testing Ground 11.

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Unfortunately, all of the gates are locked, so you're going to have to break in.

Step back a bit and find this cargo train nearby:

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Climb up on top of this cargo train.

To your right is a passenger train. Run along the cargo train until you're close enough to jump onto the passenger train.

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Once you're on the passenger train, walk further ahead until you're near the corner. You can then do a dodge jump and clear the wall. Keep in mind, there is a Daisy security camera and several enemies that you will have to kill in close quarters, so be ready for a fight!

Kill all of the bots. When the battle is over, you'll want to head to this building:

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This building has the key inside and a single black Lab Tech.

Open the door and kill the Lab Tech. You'll find the key in a box on the floor.

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Grab the key and leave the building. You have two options to exit this fenced area. You can choose to solve a very difficult combination lock on the gate. Alternatively, you can jump up on some boxes and hop back over the fence with a dodge jump.

Make your way over to Scientific Testing Ground 11. You'll have to open one combination lock and you'll open the other lock with this key. Then, head down the elevator as usual.

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Bronze Challenge

Your first challenge is a rotation puzzle with a fair amount of platforming. First things first, you'll want to make sure that you have these Skills:

  • Character / Morning Exercise
  • Character / Second Wind
  • Character / Parkour

These Skills will allow you to move slightly faster. The Parkour Skill, in particular, will give you a chance to prevent fall damage if you miss a jump.

Now that that's settled, walk into the room. Rotate the first red crank to 3 dots so it looks like this:

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide - Bronze Challenge 01

Pull yourself up on the blue magnet and then jump up onto the platform. Walk through the door.

On the other side, you'll see a magnetic platform right in front of you. Look up and use Shok to lower it, climb up, and hop onto the magnetic platform. Raise the magnetic platform up and then turn around.

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Your next goal will be to do a dodge jump to that platform. If you miss, you can lower the magnetic platform and try again.

Once you land on the platform, look toward the yellow rooms.

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Rotate the red crank on the red platform to 1 dot on the top. You can't see it from this position, but you've opened up a passage on the other side.

Turn back to the left and jump back up onto the magnetic platform. Raise it up and you'll see that there's a gap in the fence.

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Go through the gap in the fence and drop down to the ground below.

On the bottom, you'll see that there's an open door in the yellow wall. Go through it and keep walking forward. You'll see that there's an open door in the green wall, too. Go through the green wall's door.

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On the other side, you'll see a magnetic platform in the corner. Climb on top and use Shok on the ceiling to raise it.

Jump onto the green platform and then look to the left. You'll see another magnetic platform.

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Lower this platform with Shok. Jump on top of it and raise it up.

Turn towards the caged wall and you'll see a gap in the fence.

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This will probably be the most difficult jump. You're going to have to do a dodge jump to make it through the gap in the fence. If you miss, climb back up onto the magnetic platform and try again.

On the red side, you'll see another magnetic platform. Climb up on top of it and raise it up, then look toward the red wall.

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You'll have to jump onto the blue block up ahead and climb through the door. If you miss, climb back onto the magnetic platform and jump through to the other side.

When you land on the other side, you'll see another door.

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Climb up on the red magnet box and up to the door. Walk through and you'll find the loot room just up ahead. Inside you'll find a Bronze Comrade Lootyakin with the Kalash - Expansive Converter Upgrade.

You'll find a Breakroom a little further ahead. Save your game and make sure you're loaded up on healing supplies and ammo -- you're going to have a little fight just ahead.

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Silver Challenge

The next challenge is a curious mix of combat and a puzzle. You'll find a small warehouse room to loot and then a white, circular door. On the other side of the door is a strange sort of diorama scene.

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide - Silver Challenge 01

Most of these are mannequins, just like the ones you've seen all throughout the game.

Some of them, however, are not mannequins -- they are actually Lab Tech robots that are hiding in plain sight. If you move slowly and carefully, you can pick them off with the Shotgun or Kalash before they get up. If you run around without paying attention, though, you could end up getting swarmed.

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Move around the large room and make sure to kill all of the Lab Tech bots. Make sure to go inside the buildings, too. Aside from there being some loot, there are a handful of Lab Tech robots hiding in there, too.

When you're done, you'll have a Candle and Boiler puzzle to solve. There are two Boilers right next to the large door. Drag Candles through the pipes to power them up and the door will open.

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Walk through the big door and you'll find an area to explore with some lootable containers. There aren't any more enemies in this area, so you can take your time and really explore these rooms.

A little further ahead is the Silver Comrade Lootyakin. Inside, you'll find the MP - Thermal Scope Upgrade.

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Gold Challenge

The final challenge is pretty easy, thankfully. After you've looted the Silver Comrade Lootyakin, save your game in the Breakroom and move down the hall. You'll see a vent in the wall -- jump up and climb in.

When you exit the other side, you'll see a room with rotating platforms. Turn to your right and you'll see a smaller alcove with one rotating platform.

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide - Gold Challenge 01

First, go into this smaller room and pull the Candles (glowing yellow orbs) out of the receptacles, starting with the one on the left. It may take a few tries. Don't worry about falling -- you'll just land in a lower area and you'll have to climb back up some stairs.

Once you've pulled the Candle from the left with Telekinesis, this room will stop rotating. Then, go through the door and pull out the second Candle. Bring both Candles over to the larger area with the two spinning pieces.

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide - Gold Challenge 02

For this part, you'll have to run closer and throw both Candles into the receptacles using Telekinesis. Putting in all four Candles won't stop these machines from rotating, but it will slow them down enough that you can run across.

A little past this area, you'll find the exit, another room to loot, and the Gold Comrade Lootyakin with the KS-23 - Damper Polymeric Stock and Fat Boy - Homing Projectiles Upgrades.

The exit elevator will take you back up to the surface, but it won't be entirely safe -- there's a Daisy security camera outside and quite a few tough robots. Make sure you save your game and are prepared for a fight when you go up!

Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Loot

  • Kalash - Expansive Converter Upgrade (Bronze Comrade Lootyakin)
  • MP - Thermal Scope Upgrade (Silver Comrade Lootyakin)
  • KS-23 - Damper Polymeric Stock Upgrade (Gold Comrade Lootyakin)
  • Fat Boy - Homing Projectiles Upgrade (Gold Comrade Lootyakin)
  • Various loot

That's the end of our Atomic Heart Scientific Testing Ground 11 Guide. If you found it helpful, why not check out our other guides below?

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
February 20, 2023 (Calendar)
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