In this Atomic Heart Recipe Locations Guide, we'll tell you where you can find Recipes for Weapons, Weapon Upgrades, Consumables, Ammo, and Cartridges!
Quicklinks: How Atomic Heart Recipes Work | Recipes Location List
How Atomic Heart Recipes Work
Most Atomic Heart Recipes have to be found as you play the game, typically in chests found within Breakrooms or a select few other locations. Some Recipes appear to be available in multiple locations or random chests.
Recipes will give you the ability to Craft Weapons, Consumables, Ammo, and Cartridge. Each Recipe will become available as soon as you pick it up, although you'll need to have resources available to actually Craft the item you want to make.

Atomic Heart Recipes Location List
Here is a list of all of the Atomic Heart Recipes we've found so far and where you can find them.
It should be noted, I've seen duplicate recipes pop in chests later in the game. The Recipes in the Comrade Lootyakins are guaranteed, but many of the other Recipes might be found elsewhere; I've recorded where I personally found them, and your experience may vary due to unknown factors.
Recipe | Type | Location |
Small Neuromed Capsule | Consumable | Second Breakroom in Vavilov Complex: Offices. Do not check the objective -- walk past it and beyond the elevators, first. You can find this Blueprint in the chest of the second Breakroom. |
Shotgun Shells | Ammo | Breakroom where you meet Nora for the first time. Located in the chest between Nora and the Save Point. |
Swede - Handle | Upgrade | In the chest of the Breakroom after you open the first magnetic door in the Vavilov Complex. |
Fox | Weapon | In the chest of the Breakroom after you swim through the Polymer in the Vavilov Complex Cable Car. |
KS-23 - Electromagnetic Barrel | Upgrade | Vavilov Complex: Tunnels: Terminal Breakroom chest. |
Electro - EMP Generator | Upgrade | Vavilov Complex: Seed Archive Breakroom chest. |
Electro | Weapon | In the Vavlilov Complex: Seed Archive, after swimming through the large room filled with Polymer while searching for Lunar Soil Keys. |
MP | Weapon | Vavilov Complex: Seed Bank Breakroom chest. |
MP Ammo | Ammo | Upper level Vavlilov Complex: Seed Bank Breakroom chest. |
Fire Cartridge | Cartridge | Outside the upper level Vavilov Complex: Seed Bank Breakroom, next to a forklift bot. |
Medium Neuromed Capsule | Consumable | In a chest after you dash jump over the broken catwalk right after you exit the upper level Vavilov Complex: Seed Bank Breakroom. |
Dynamo | Consumable | Vavilov Complex: Hot Workshop Hallways Breakroom chest. |
Electric Cartridge | Cartridge | Vavilov Complex: Algae Workshop Breakroom chest. |
Pashtet | Weapon | Vavilov Complex: Algae Workshop Hallways Breakroom chest. |
Ice Cartridge | Cartridge | Once you enter the Hot Workshop, turn left and drop down through the floor into a room with plants. You'll find the Ice Cartridge in a red chest in the center of this lower room. |
Adrenaline Capsule | Consumable | Once you enter the Hot Workshop, turn right and enter the Assembly Workshop. You'll find the Adrenaline Capsule in a chest next to the hole in the wall. |
Pashtet - Blade Flight | Upgrade | Vavilov Complex: Hot Workshop Breakroom chest. |
Snowball | Weapon | Vavilov Complex: Cold Lab Breakroom chest. |
Kalash | Weapon | In the Vavilov Complex: Cold Lab Breakroom chest, after you fill the canister with plants. |
Kalash Rounds | Ammo | Inside of the Grocery Store in Forester Village, a red log cabin building with a "3" sign and a locked door that must be picked. |
Snowball - Handle | Upgrade | On the second-floor balcony of the red house with circular windows on your way to the Volan after trying to get through the first gate in Forester Village. |
Dominator | Weapon | On the table in Granny Zina's Hut. |
Large Neuromed Capsule | Consumable | On your way to Lesnaya Station after Forester Village, look for a red house with circular windows on the right side of the road. You'll find the Large Neuromed Capsule in a chest on top of this building. |
Electro | Consumable | In the farmhouse with the wheat fields on your way to Lesnaya Station. You can find it in a chest inside the house. |
Zvezdochka | Weapon | In a chest behind the statue to the left of Lesnaya Station. |
Fat Boy | Weapon | In a chest on the docks next to the Boat Station and Hawk Terminal after the train crashes. |
Fat Boy Rockets | Ammo | On a staircase landing in the first magnetic room in Scientific Testing Ground 1. |
Fox - Handle | Upgrade | Down the hall from the second breakroom in Scientific Testing Ground 1, inside a Bronze Comrade Lootyagin. |
MP - Expansive Converter | Upgrade | After going through the boiler room in Scientific Testing Ground 1, go past the blue truck and into the offices. Continue through the offices and you'll find a magnetic door. You'll find the MP - Expansive Converter in a room down a hallway just after the magnetic door in a Silver Comrade Lootyagin. |
KS-23 - Extended Magazine | Upgrade | Just after the second magnetic puzzle room in Scientific Testing Ground 1. Lower the platforms near the broken door until you reveal a laser puzzle. Solve it and you'll open the door, allowing you to progress further and find a Golden Comrade Lootyagin ahead with the KS-23 - Extended Magazine. |
Zvezdochka - Saw Dance | Upgrade | Same location as KS-23 Extended Magazine in Scientific Testing Ground 1. |
MP - Extended Magazine | Upgrade | After completing the first puzzle in Scientific Testing Ground 6, go straight ahead past the pumps and you'll find the MP - Extended Magazine in the Bronze Lootyagin in a back room. |
Kalash - Collimator | Upgrade | After surviving the turbine fight in Scientific Testing Ground 6, crawl through the pipes of the turbine. You'll find the Kalash - Collimator in a Silver Lootyagin at the exit of the pipes. |
Zvezdochka - Handle | Upgrade | In a room to the left side of the third puzzle in Scientific Testing Ground 6. |
Electro - Resisting Robots | Upgrade | To the left of the exit elevator in Scientific Testing Ground 6, in the Gold Comrade Lootyakin. |
Snowball - Auger | Upgrade | To the left of the exit elevator in Scientific Testing Ground 6, in the Gold Comrade Lootyakin. |
Railgun | Weapon | On the road leading to Testing Ground 8, directly north of the Kollectiv Complex. You can find the Railgun suspended in the air in some Polymer. |
Zvezdochka - Extra Saw | Upgrade | In the Bronze Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 8. |
Fox - Blade | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 8. |
Dominator - Vortex Transducer | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 8. |
MP - Reinforced Bolt Frame | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 8. |
Swede - Blade | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 8. |
KS-23 Thermal Scope | Upgrade | In the Bronze Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 12. |
Kalash - Electrokinetic Stock | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 12. |
Fat Boy - Revolver Loading Module | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 12. |
Electro - Energy Vampire Block | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 12. |
Pashtet - Reflex Blade | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 12. |
KS-23 - Collimator Upgrade | Upgrade | In the Bronze Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 9. |
Dominator - Impulse Divider | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 9. |
Kalash - Electromagnetic Polarizer | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 9. |
Pashtet - Handle | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 9. |
Kalash - Extended Magazine | Upgrade | In the Bronze Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 10. |
MP - Collimator | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 10. |
Fat Boy - Trap Mine | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 10. |
Dominator - High-Intensity Modulators | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 10. |
MP - Electromagnetic Polarizer | Upgrade | In the Bronze Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 2. |
KS-23 - Expansive Converter | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 2. |
Kalash - Thermal Scope | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 2. |
Snowball - Blade | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 2. |
Kalash - Expansive Converter | Upgrade | In the Bronze Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 11. |
MP - Thermal Scope | Upgrade | In the Silver Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 11. |
KS-23 - Damper Polymeric Stock | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 11. |
Fat Boy - Homing Projectiles | Upgrade | In the Gold Comrade Lootyakin in Scientific Testing Ground 11. |
That's the end of the Atomic Heart Recipe Locations Guide. If you found it helpful, why not check out our other guides below, too?