Astrometica Guide - Cover Image Debris and Cargo Pods Floating in Space in the Starting Area

Astrometica Guide | Beginner Tips and Tricks

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Published: December 10, 2024 2:52 AM

This Astrometica Guide will teach you the basics of the game, explain the HUD, and give you a walkthrough for the first hour of the game!

Astrometica is a little bit like Subnautica in space — you'll have to explore a vast, unknown region and unlock new crafting recipes while exploring unfamiliar locations. We'll teach you the basics of the game in this guide, but first, let's go over what you'll see on the HUD!

Astrometica HUD Explanation

Astrometica Guide - HUD Explanation Flying Toward the Emergency Pod in Theta-9 with HUD Elements Marked by Numbers

  1. Health: The standard health bar. If this drops to 0, you die.
  2. Thirst: How thirsty you are. This depletes faster than Hunger. If Thirst reaches 0%, you will gradually lose Health until you die.
  3. Hunger: How hungry you are. This depletes slower than Thirst. If Hunger reaches 0%, you'll gradually lose Health and die in under a minute.
  4. Oxygen: Your current supply of Oxygen when in space. If this reaches 0%, you'll die within a few seconds regardless of how much Health you have.
  5. Marker: As you come across certain objectives, you'll get Markers on your HUD that show their precise location. These can be individually disabled in the menu on the Markers tab.
  6. Objectives: Any quests you have will show their objectives at the top right of the screen.
  7. Controls: Your controls are always shown on screen. You can hide this window by pressing "Z" on your keyboard.
  8. Jetpack Fuel: This shows how much fuel your Jetpack has. If it reaches 0, you won't be able to use your Jetpack boost until it automatically recharges.

Astrometica Guide - Starter Guide Header A Spaceship Flying Through Theta

Astrometica Guide | Starter Guide Walkthrough

Now that we've explained the HUD, it's time to get moving with the Starter Guide walkthrough portion of our Astrometica guide. Let's dive in!

Making the Basics

After a short cutscene, you'll spawn into the world inside of a tiny escape pod. You have a few objectives at the top right of the screen; you must craft the following items:

  • Oxygen Capsule: Increases your Oxygen capacity
  • Jetpack: Gives you a rechargeable speed boost
  • Backpack: Increases your inventory size by 7 spaces
  • Mining Tool: Allows you to break up larger asteroids

Unfortunately, you won't be able to find the Silver you need for the Backpack just yet. That said, you'll be able to make everything else by collecting the resources you need surrounding the starting area.

Copper and Iron can be found in abundance; simply look for the silver and orange rocks. Quartz is a green crystal, and you can find a few pieces floating around slightly above you. Finally, Coal can be found above you and slightly away from the starting pod.

Collect the resources you need and make the Oxygen Capsule, Jetpack, and Mining Tool. Equip the Oxygen Capsule and Jetpack to your character in the inventory screen and place the Mining Tool on your hotbar.

Making the Scrapper, Scanner, and More

Next, we're going to make the Scrapper and the Scanner. The Scrapper can be used to bust open packages, and the Scanner has two functions: it can locate objects in the area around you and it can scan Fragments to unlock new crafting recipes.

All of the resources you need to make the Scrapper and Scanner can be found near your starting point. Don't get overconfident with the Jetpack; if it runs out, you might suffocate in space. Take your time and patiently collect the resources you need to make these last two tools.

Finally, we'll want to make one additional Battery. You'll want to be able to switch to another Battery if you run out of power on your Scanner.

Make sure that the Scrapper, Mining Tool, and Scanning Tool are equipped to your hotbar via your inventory. Eat a Space Burger and drink Water if your Hunger or Thirst stats are below 50%. Then, save your game and get ready to head out into the void.

Heading to Mox Island

You've probably noticed a marker on your HUD by now. This will lead you to Mox Island, a small base on an asteroid protected by a shield. Fortunately, this shield also holds an atmosphere.

When you're ready to go, aim yourself at Mox Island and head straight for it. Use your entire Jetpack boost to cover as much distance as you can. Let your Jetpack fully recharge, and boost again until you get there.

Heading to Mox Island for the First Time

Along the way, you'll get a notification about another point of interest. Do not divert from your course; continue directly to Mox Island. You'll want to get inside of the shielded dome before you run out of oxygen.

Looting Mox Island

Once you've landed, it's time to loot Mox Island. There are several things to acquire here and a few items you must scan.

Here's what you need to do:

  • First Room:
    • Scan the 3 Wall Storage Fragments on the wall to unlock Wall Storage
    • Scan the Light Beacon to unlock the Light Beacon
    • Scan the Habitat Builder Tool Fragment to unlock the Builder Tool and your first base pieces
    • Scan the Upgrade Station Fragment to unlock the Upgrade Station
    • Scan the Work Desk Fragment to unlock Desk 3
    • Break the two Mineral Packages to get Silver and Gold, unlocking the Smelter and Chipset crafting recipes
    • Read the log on the desk
  • Second Room:
    • Scan the Battery Charger Fragment on the wall to unlock the Battery Charger
    • Break open the Fabric Package to get some Fabric
    • Open up the chest to get some more resources
    • Read the log on the desk
  • Outside:
    • Scan the round rooms to get 2 Habitat Circle Room fragments
    • Break a couple Gargaol Trees with the Scrapper
    • Collect Fungu mushrooms

Once you have all of this stuff, it's time to head back home — albeit with a small detour.

Looting the Emergency Pod

Now it's time to tackle that extra beacon that popped up on our way to Mox Island. Bring out your Scanner and swap to your spare Battery so it's at 100%. Then, get ready to leave.

Before you head out, keep this in mind: you won't have enough time to loot everything in one run before running out of Oxygen. Therefore, we're going to split this up into multiple trips. You'll return to Mox Island after your first trip (and not your starting pod).

Here's what to do:

  • First Trip:
    • Scan the Vehicle Station Fragment
    • Scan the Skipper Vehicle Fragment
    • Read the floating Log pad
    • Break open one of the Electronics containers and collect its contents
    • Return to Mox Island to recharge your Oxygen and Jetpack in safety
  • Second Trip:
    • Break open two of the Mineral containers floating outside of the Emergency Pod
    • Break up one Silver asteroid to collect three Silver
    • Return to Mox Island to recharge your Oxygen and Jetpack in safety
  • Third Trip:
    • Return to the starting location

We're not going to collect absolutely everything at the Emergency Pod just yet; we only have so much inventory space for the moment. When you've gathered all of this stuff, return to your starting pod and we'll move on to the next step.

Crafting the Building Tool and Flashlight

Now it's time to round out our equipment with two more tools: the Building Tool and the Flashlight. We'll also want to make one additional spare Battery.

You should have enough resources to make both of these items. You may be tempted to make a Backpack, but hold off for now — we're going to need the precious few pieces of Silver that you've collected to build your first base.

Prepping for Base Building

It's now time to get started with our first proper base. We're going to need a lot of stuff; fortunately, you can collect everything you need relatively close to your starting point (with the sole exception of Silver and Fabric, which we got earlier at the Emergency Pod).

Dump everything you have into one of the two Storage Boxes in your starting pod. Then, collect raw materials and craft items using the Fabricator until you have everything listed below:

  • 17 Iron Bar
  • 4 Copper Bar
  • 6 Electronic Part
  • 3 Copper Wire
  • 1 Data Transformer
  • 1 Fabric
  • 1 Glass
  • 2 Silver

Stuff all of that into your backpack, make sure your Build Tool has a full battery (or at least 80%), and head out into space.

Building Your First Base

We're going to build our base right next to Mox Island and the Emergency Pod. You'll want to go 100–200 meters above both of these locations so you don't run into any asteroids when you're eventually expanding your base.

Here's what to build, and in what order:

  1. Build a Habitat Room
  2. Build a Habitat Airlock attached to the Habitat Room
  3. Build a Habitat Corridor attached to the Habitat Room
  4. Build a Corridor Solar Panel attached to the side of the Habitat Airlock
  5. Build a Small Habitat Battery attached to the top of the Habitat Airlock
  6. Head inside and build a Battery Charger on the wall
  7. Build a Fabricator inside
  8. Build a Power Panel on the wall

When you're done, the outside of your base should look like this:

The Outside of Your First Base in Astrometica

Note how the base is located above the Emergency Pod and Mox Island. You can see the beacon for your next location to visit (the Old Hub Station) about 850 meters away.

As for the inside of the base, it looks like this:

The Inside of Your First Base in Astrometica

Exploring Further

Building your first base has opened up some new options. There are a bunch of new crafting devices to build, but you'll also need to have enough power or your base will go offline. You'll need to add more corridors and attach more solar panels and batteries to them. If a newly built device cuts off your power, you can dismantle it to restore power.

Don't worry too much about where your base is currently located; you can dismantle everything and get back 100% of the resources you've invested into building. This location near the Emergency Pod and Mox Island will work just fine for now.

From here, your next goal should be to build a Backpack and equip your base with all of the machinery you need to make better tools and equipment. Make sure to take the batteries out of your tools and put them in the Battery Charger on the wall; I recommend creating a few more Batteries so you can rotate them without having to wait.

There are many more locations to explore with new resources to collect and new crafting recipes to unlock. For now, you should be adequately prepared to start progressing to better tech and investigating the derelict stations of the Theta-9 asteroid belt. Have fun, and remember to check out our other guides below!

Astrometica Guide - F.A.Q. Header A Bunch of Asteroids and Space Debris in Theta-9

Is Astrometica Multiplayer?

No, Astrometica is not a multiplayer game. However, the developers state on the game's Steam Store page that they will consider adding multiplayer to the game if there is significant demand from the players.

What Happens When You Die in Astrometica?

If you die in Astrometica, you will respawn at the last safe location you exited such as your base or a pressurized location on the map such as a derelict space station. Anything you were carrying in your backpack will be left at the place of your death in a container marked by a red lightning bolt.

Where is the Astrometica Save File?

The Astrometica save file can be found in:


Where "USERNAME" is your Windows username.

Thanks for reading our Astrometica Guide — make sure to check out our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
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RockGame S.A.
Release Date
December 10, 2024 (Calendar)
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