A Table-Map in the Center of a Wooden Room

Aloft Map Guide

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Published: January 15, 2025 10:25 AM

This guide will show you the Aloft map, explain the symbols on the map, and tell you what you can find in the different regions and biomes.

How to View the Map

You can only view the Aloft map by building a Table-Map on your ship. You will get access to the Table-Map after you've unlocked some Knowledge by investigating Knowledge Stones and Frescos on the starter island and the first few islands thereafter.

Aloft Map

Aloft Map Table with Legend

The Aloft map is fundamentally the same in every world in the sense that you always start in the same chunk of the map. However, placement of the individual islands outside of the starter island is randomized.

The map is split into three distinct regions as of Early Access launch version

  • Southern Outer Ring: Contains the starter island and Emerald Isles islands
  • Middle Ring: Contains a mix of Fallen Heights islands and Emerald Isles islands
  • Northern Outer Ring: Exclusively contains Red Cliffs islands, along with the Leviathan

You cannot progress into the innermost ring as of yet. Additionally, two of the outer slices contain impassable storms that you can't yet go through.

There are barriers between the southern outer ring and the northern outer ring filled with explosive rocks. When passing through these barriers, your ship's sails can break and they will need to be repaired with 5 pieces of the appropriate cloth.

The Map Legend, Explained

Here are all of the points of interest as shown in the Aloft Map Legend:

  • Home Island / Ship: Your home island (a.k.a. your ship) is marked with a unique arrow on the map showing the direction it's currently facing. It also has a special house symbol when you highlight it.
  • Undiscovered Island: Islands you have not yet visited are marked by grey dots on the map. Clicking on one of these islands shows a question mark symbol, as you don't yet know what special features it may have.
  • Corrupted Island: Corrupted islands or islands with an unhealthy ecosystem are marked on the map by a yellow dot once you've visited them. Clicking on them shows a symbol of a gnarled tree.
  • Cleared Island: An island that you have visited, is free of corruption, and has a healthy ecosystem will be marked by a green dot.
  • Undiscovered Island w/ Fresco: Undiscovered islands with a Fresco are marked with a special question mark symbol on the map. These islands will get you access to new Knowledge that allows you to craft new items, typically workbenches.
  • Cleared Island w/ Fresco: An island with a Fresco that you have cleared will also be marked with a special symbol.
  • Island Highlighted by Atlas: Using an Atlas Stone will point you toward a particular island that is marked by a spiral symbol.
  • Heavy Island: A Heavy Island cannot be turned into a home ship.
  • Leviathan: The Leviathan is a living creature made of several islands chained together in the northern outer ring. Unfortunately, it is tainted by corruption and you must cleanse it. Uniquely, the Leviathan is always on the move and you'll need a fast ship to catch up to it.
  • Beacon Symbols: These five symbols represent beacons that you can build on an island. Some islands have beacons built on them by default, so you'll see these symbols on islands you've never visited before; you'll need to destroy the beacons to remove them. 

How to Fast Travel

You can fast travel in Aloft by opening up your inventory, navigating to the rightmost tab, and selecting "Teleport to Home." You can only fast travel to your home island ship from other islands.

That's the end of our Aloft Map Guide. Have a gander at our other guides below!

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
January 15, 2025 (Calendar)
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