There's a lot to craft in Aloft, but most recipes are locked behind various objects scattered across the world. Our guide to Aloft knowledge will show you how to unlock every important crafting recipe,
How Knowledge Works
Knowledge in Aloft is a combination of ways you unlock new crafting recipes. This takes the form of three types of objects that will spawn in each world:
- Knowledge stones: These are medium sized glowing stones, noticeable by a large flowing cloth that's attached to the top.
- Shipwrecks: These are rarer than knowledge stones, comprising of a large anchor with debris floating nearby. These give sailing-related recipes.
- Frescoes: These are "story" related, marked by a "?" on the Table Map once crafted. There are only a handful of unique frescoes in each world.
When starting out in a fresh world, you'll always encounter a knowledge stone and fresco on the starter island. In addition, the other nearby shipwrecks and fresco are shown on screen with a glow effect.
For the rest, you'll have to do a bit of searching. One of the early knowledge stone unlocks is a Table Map, which will show you the world layout. Areas marked with a "?" symbol show an island with a fresco.
If you want to find shipwrecks and knowledge stones quicker, there's the Stormchaser. This early fresco unlock can lead you to islands with the aforementioned structures, though it costs resources to do this.
Unlocks are biome specific, meaning you'll have to keep moving onto new parts of Aloft's world to progress. You can also unlock certain building parts using a sketch book. If not unlocked this way, you'll eventually obtain them via knowledge stones.
Crafting Recipe Unlock List
Below is every Aloft crafting recipe unlock that is important to progression.
Make this list alphabetical within each category.

Knowledge Stone Unlocks
Emerald Isles
- Home Kite - Used to claim an island as your home.
- Millstone - Used to process mushrooms, crops or seeds.
- Leaf Bed - Used to pass time and heal.
- Compost Bin - Turns manure and other materials into soil for farming.
- Loom - Turn fibres into fabric.
- Rustic Farming Plot - Used to grow crops.
- Cooking Plate - Used to cook meals.
- Sewing Table - Craft and modify clothing.
- Sharpening Station - Apply temporary buffs to tools (add to Upgrade Station Frame.)
- Worm Box - Generates worms when next to Compost Bin.
- Granary - Storage for cooking-related items.
- Rope Basket - Storage.
- Large Campfire - Used for cooking. Can hold more Cooking Plates than small Campfire.
Fallen Heights
- Spinner - Turns fibre into rope
- Flax Break - Used to process Flax for use with the Loom.
- Customizing Station - Add accessories onto tools (add to Upgrade Station Frame.)
- Fireplace - Used for cooking. Can hold 4 Cooking Plates.
Red Cliffs
- Kiln - Used to process Clay.

Shipwreck Unlocks
Emerald Isles
- Rudder - Basic ship component for turning.
- Leaf Floater - Determines how quickly your island ship can rise and fall.
- Table Map - Shows the world map.
- Leaf Square Sail - Basic sail.
- Wool Square Sail - Sail that can withstand southern (blue) rock barrier.
- Wool Lateen Sail - Sail that can withstand southern (blue) rock barrier.
- Wool Gaff Sail - Sail that can withstand southern (blue) rock barrier.
- Beacons - Set markers on an island that will show on a Table Map.
- Wool Junk Sail and Leaf Junk Sail
- Wool Bermuda Sail and Leaf Bermuda Sail
Fallen Heights
- Linen Lateen Sail - Sail that can withstand northern (red) rock barrier.
- Linen Gaff Sail - Sail that can withstand northern (red) rock barrier.
- Linen Bermuda Sail - Sail that can withstand northern (red) rock barrier.
- Linen Junk Sail - Sail that can withstand northern (red) rock barrier.
- Linen Square Sail - Sail that can withstand northern (red) rock barrier.

Fresco Unlocks
Emerald Isles
- Glider Stand - Used to craft and modify Gliders.
- Helm - Used to control an island ship.
- Stormchaser - Used to find the location of knowledge stones and shipwrecks.
- Research Lab - Used to research enemy drops.
Fallen Heights
- Sawmill - Used to process Wood into Planks.
- Windmill - Can be attached to certain crafting stations for automation.
Red Cliffs
- Pottery Wheel - Used to process Clay.
That's the end of our Aloft Knowledge Guide. Have a gander at our other guides below!