Several Farming Crops Inside of a Ship

Aloft Farming Guide

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Published: January 15, 2025 10:02 AM

Farming in Aloft is a good way to grow the ingredients you'll need to make meals, or obtain more Flax for sailing. Our guide to Aloft farming will go over how it works, and where you can get more seeds.

How Farming Works

While you can plant basic flora and tree seeds without any prep, crops in Aloft have a few requirements.

To start with, you'll need to unlock any type of farming plot. These are unlocked via knowledge stones, with Rustic Farming Plots being the earliest ones you can find in the Emerald Isles biome.

You'll also unlock the Compost Bin along the way, which is used to turn animal Manure (and some crops) into soil. Bigger farming plots require soil to craft, while the smaller ones require you to add soil afterwards.

Looking down at a collection of 5 different farming plot types.

Once placed, you'll need to till the farming plot using a Dorkip. A Stone Dorkip can be crafted using 2 Wood, 1 Sharp Stone (combine 2 Stones), and 1 Rope (combine 2 Mykter Fibre).

Interacting with a tilled plot will let you place seeds. Afterwards, you'll need to water the farming plot, then wait for the seeds to grow. Most crops can be harvested with a Sickle.

How to Get Water

Combining 2 Leaf Cloth (3 Leaves each) with 1 Rope (2 Mykter Fibre) will let you craft a Leaf Bucket. With this in your inventory, you can interact with any body of water to get Dirty Water.

Equipping and using the bucket will water farming plots. This has an area of effect, so it's best to group plots together if you want extra efficiency.

How to Get More Seeds

Seeds in Aloft are primarily found by harvesting wild crops growing on each island. Each biome has its own set of crop types, with some chests also containing seeds.

When harvesting your own grown crops, you also have a chance to obtain more seeds. You can also turn any excess seeds into Grain for your animals via a Millstone.

Crop List

Here is every Aloft farming crop we've found thus far and where to find them.

  Crop   Location
A blueberry bush.Blueberry Emerald Isles
Grown corn.Corn Emerald Isles
Planted tomatoes.Tomato Emerald Isles
A farming plot full of wheat.Wheat Emerald Isles
Four sugar beets.Sugar Beet Emerald Isles
Coffee plants.Coffee Emerald Isles
Fully grown flax.Flax Fallen Heights
A pumpkin plantPumpkin Fallen Heights
A farming patch full of carrots.Carrot Red Cliffs
A farming patch full of buried potatoes.Potato Red Cliffs
Grown peas.Peas Red Cliffs
A fully grown watermelon plant.Watermelon Red Cliffs

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Release Date
January 15, 2025 (Calendar)
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