Workbench in Aloft

Aloft Crafting Recipes List

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Published: January 17, 2025 5:10 PM

Early on in Aloft, you will be introduced to crafting by using a Workbench. Crafting is vital to your survival throughout your journey, since your tools, drinking water, materials, resources, and more need to be crafted at a Workbench. This guide covers all of the crafting recipes in Aloft, the resources needed, and more.

Aloft Crafting Recipes List

Due to the game being in Early Access, this Aloft crafting recipes list will be updated when more or new crafting recipes are discovered and/or added to the game.

What will you be crafting today?

Crafting Recipe Name Crafting Resources Description
Bone Axe 1x Wood, 1x Sharp Bone A stronger tool for chopping down trees into logs.
Bone Dorkip 2x Wood, 1x Rope, 1x Sharp Bone A stronger tool that be used as a hoe or as a spear.
Bone Hammer 1x Wood, 1x Bone A stronger tool for building and repairing structures.
Bone Pickaxe 1x Wood, 2x Sharp Bone A stronger tool for mining stone and minerals.
Bone Sickle 1x Wood, 1x Rope, 2x Sharp Bone A stronger tool for cutting grass and small plants.
Bone Sword 1x Wood, 1x Rope, 3x Sharp Bone A stronger melee weapon used in combat.
Bone Tipped Arrow 1x Wood, 2x Feather, 1x Rope, 1x Sharp Bone Quick to draw, but easily swayed by high winds. Equip to use.
Clean Water 1x Dirty Water, 1x Charcoal A drinkable liquid that wildly enhances your attack speed for a while.
Field Guide 2x Leaf Cloth, 1x Piece of Paper, 1x Rope A tool to take notes and evaluate the ecosystem's health of an island.
Golden Feather Trinket 2x Golden Feather, 1x Rope When installed on a tool through an upgrade station, charged attacks are more powerful and have a longer range.
Hay 3x Small Plants Food for your grazing friends.
Leaf Bandage 2x Leaf Cloth, 1x Reishi Mushroom A basic bandage capable of healing minor wounds while on the battlefield. Equip before using.
Leaf Bucket 2x Leaf Cloth, 1x Rope Container used to water a single space of soil and milk female goats.
Leaf Cloth 3x Leaves Cheap but robust, it can be used as sailcloth and as crafting material.
Linen Bandage 2x Linen Cloth, 1x Honey, 1x Reishi Mushroom A high quality bandage capable of healing major wounds quickly while on the battlefield. Equip before using.
Paper Pulp 3x Small Plants, 1x Glasswort, 1x Clean Water Combine multiple of these to create a piece of paper.
Piece of Paper 5x Paper Pulp A blank piece of paper. It could prove useful when sketching out building ideas.
Research Talisman 2x Rope, 1x Talisman When installed on a tool through an upgrade station, coatings last longer.
Rope 2x Mykter Fibre This stout rope can be used in contraction and weapon crafting.
Sharp Bone 1x Sharp Stone, 2x Bone A resource used to craft advanced tools and weapons.
Sharp Stone 2x Stone Sharpened stone can be used on a workbench to craft various tools and weapons.
Shears 1x Wood, 2x Sharp Stone, 1x Hardstone A tool to give haircuts to animals and humans alike.
Simple Bow 1x Plank, 2x Rope, 2x Feather Overall average bow providing good shooting distance at an average pace.
Sketchbook 2x Wood, 1x Piece of Paper, 1x Charcoal A woodbound booklet with charcoal sticks, used to learn building pieces by sketching them from the environment.
Sky Spirit Trinket 3x Windstone, 1x Rope, 1x Feather When installed on a tool through an upgrade station, an extra strike can be performed while airborne.
Spyglass 2x Wood, 2x Windstone, 1x Rope A simple tool that let you see objects in the distance.
Stone Axe 1x Wood, 1x Sharp Stone A tool for chopping trees into logs.
Stone Dorkip 2x Woord, 1x Sharp Stone, 1x Rope A tool that can be used as a hoe or as a spear.
Stone Hammer 1x Wood, 1x Stone A tool for building and repairing structures.
Stone Pickaxe 1x Wood, 2x Sharp Stone A tool for mining rocks and minerals.
Stone Sickle 1x Wood, 2x Sharp Stone, 1x Rope A tool for cutting grass and small plants.
Stone Sword 1x Wood, 1x Rope, 3x Sharp Stone A melee weapon used in combat.
Stone Tipped Arrow 1x Wood, 2x Feather, 1x Rope, 1x Sharp Stone Provides steady aim and its trajectory is not affected by high winds. Equip to use.
Storm Shell Trinket 2x Windstone, 2x Rope, 1x Empty Shell When installed on a tool through an upgrade station, strikes are faster while in high winds.
Torch 1x Wood, 1x Charcoal, 1x Leaf Cloth A portable source of light.
Water Opal Trinket 2x Rope, 2x Water Opal When installed on a tool through an upgrade station, deal vastly more damage to resources.
Wood Bucket 2x Plank, 1x Rope, 1x Bone Container used to water multiple spaces of soil and milk female goats.
Wool Bandage 2x Wool Cloth, 1x Honey, 1x Reishi Mushroom, 1x Aloe Vera A common bandage capable of healing decent wounds while on the battlefield. Equip to use.

Be sure to check out our other Aloft guides below.

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January 15, 2025 (Calendar)
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