After progressing the story of Hogwarts Legacy a bit, players will be tasked with finding Ancient Magic Hotspots while exploring. These Hotspots are very similar to what’s found in the early parts of the story with Ancient Magic. An inky spot will appear on the ground, and players can investigate it to uncover spheres that need to be obtained in order to seal away the Hotspot.
There are a total of 20 Ancient Magic Hotspots, and they’re located all around the World Map. Revelio is a great tool for these small puzzles as it will oftentimes point you toward where the spheres are. Having a broom is also required for some of these, along with the Alohomora spell.
How to Solve Every Ancient Magic Hotspot in Hogwarts Legacy
In Hogwarts Legacy, most of the Ancient Magic Hotspots can be found close to Floo Fires. Here’s a list of all of them and a step-by-step guide to completing each one:
Collector’s Cave Floo Fire Ancient Magic Hotspot
Upon investigating the hotspot, players need to break the wooden slabs on the ground. A hole will open up in the ground, and after jumping into it, players can find one sphere in the room itself. The second sphere can be grabbed after using Accio on a wall block.
In order to get out of the underground area, players can use Accio on all the skeletons to create a staircase. Some skeletons are found in the walls while one is inside a tomb in the middle of the room. (Using Revelio here is great for finding all the skeleton parts.)
East Hogsmeade Ancient Magic Spot
After investigating the area, players should go up the ladder to the right of the iron gate. There will be a window with leaves and vines, which can be destroyed with a fire spell like Incendio. There will be one sphere sitting on the other side, and players can climb the two wooden platforms in the same area to get another sphere.
There will be a pulley in the area holding cargo up-players can break that with a spell (Confringo works well) and then follow the hole it created in the floor to find the third sphere.
Northwest of Hogsmeade Ancient Magic Spot
After investigating the hotspot, players can use Revelio to find red spider nests that look like red balls. These can be burned down (or may hatch if players take too long), which will reveal a sphere. After burning the red spider nests, there will be boxes that the player can jump up. Jumping up them will reveal another sphere.
Outside of the main ruins, there’s an area to the right with a bit of fallen debris. The last sphere is underneath it, and players can just walk underneath it to nab it.
West Forbidden Forest Ancient Magic Spot
Upon investigating the area, players will enter a room and see four frogs lining the wall in front of them, two on each side of a door. The frog on the rightmost side to the left of the door will send you to another area with a sphere. Grab it and then use the frog to get back to the main room again.
The frog to the leftmost side to the right of the door will bring you to the top of the ruins. From there, use Revelio and carefully maneuver the trail above the ruins to get to it.
Rookwood Castle Ancient Magic Spot
After investigating the hotspot, climb the ladders by the gate. There will be a wall with vines on it that can be destroyed with a fire spell. Once destroyed, climb it and grab the sphere sitting there. Destroy the pulley that’s nearby and then jump across the path that opens up to find the last sphere.
South Poidsear Coast Ancient Magic Hotspot
Upon investigating the area, there will be two buildings after a small bridge. Climb up the wooden platform beside the building to the left and break the wood that blocks the entrance. Jump to the wooden logs on the opposite side and grab the sphere.
The second building to the right has an entrance all the way on the right side. Enter into it and crawl through the space to the left. In the new room, destroy both sets of vines that exist. One will lead you straight into an area where you can grab a sphere. The other will reveal a wall block that you can Accio to pull out. There will also be a movable crate nearby that can be Accio’d until it’s beside the wall block.
Climb onto the wall block with the wooden block and jump onto the nearest wooden platform (which is to the left if you’re facing the wall). From there, walk across the wooden platform to grab the last sphere.
South of Phoenix Mountain Cave Ancient Magic Hotspot
After investigating the hotspot, use Alohomora to get into the building. In the middle of the backside of the room, there will be wooden slats. Destroy those and walk through the entryway. There will be a pile of rocks blocking a sphere, but they can be moved out of the way with Depulso.
Next, go back into the room and burn down vines in the back left to reveal a movable crate. Accio the crate and bring it to the opposite side of the building (a small platform will let you know you’re in the right place). Using a combination of spells (mainly Levioso, Accio, and Depulso), maneuver the crate on top of the platform. Once it’s there, climb up the wall beside it.
Burn spiderwebs while carefully making your way across the wooden slabs and jump to the other side. There will be some pots in the way that can be destroyed. After finding one sphere, continue following the path of wooden slabs until you reach a ladder. Follow the ladder and the wooden slabs after it to get the last sphere.
Marunweem Bridge Ancient Magic Hotspot
After investigating the area, use Reparo to fix the wooden slats to the left. Jump up the wooden platforms to get a sphere. Continue the wooden path up until there’s nowhere to go.
From there, use Accio on the wall block across the hole to pull down a drawbridge. Continue along the path until reaching the top, which may house a few goblins to dispatch. After that, use Alohomora to grab the second sphere.
Northeast of West Manor Cape Ancient Magic Hotspot
Upon investigating the hotspot, the best way for players to grab all the spheres is to jump on their broom. Using Revelio will show where each is located.
South of Cragcroft Shore Ancient Magic Hotspot
After investigating the area, players should go up the stairs, jumping across gaps until they find the first orb. Afterward, continue going up to the roof where there will be another orb on one of the four pillars. From there, players should use their broom and Revelio to fly along the outside of the building to find the last orb.
Southwest of Coastal Mine Ancient Magic Hotspot
After investigating the area, players should use their broom to grab two easy-to-reach spheres. Inside the ruins, players should break the wooden crates beside the iron gate. After that, a golden device will appear that players should use Depulso on. The gate will lift and players can grab the last sphere.
West of Keenbridge Ancient Magic Hotspot
Upon investigating the area, players should use their broom to fly to the top of the ruined chimney. From there, use Revelio to scan the field around them. There will be two spheres in opposite directions, and both are far enough to only see with Revelio.
East of Feldcroft Ancient Magic Hotspot
Investigate the hotspot inside the ruins, then turn back around and go outside. There's a circular ruin area with a sphere inside of it. After grabbing that, use Revelio and look up-there will be a sphere on another ruin that's across the road.
After those two are grabbed, defeat the trolls in the nearby encampment. The last sphere is in the tent behind them.
Northwest of Keenbridge Ancient Magic Hotspot
Investigating this hotspot requires players to take out a few enemies first. After doing so, turn towards the ruins on the left of the hotspot. Players should use their broom to fly to the platform with the first sphere. There will be a few wooden barrels players will need to destroy first, and players can find the second sphere after destroying them.
After grabbing the sphere, go to the ruins on the other side. There will be vines blocking the door that can be burned down. Once getting inside the ruins, turn to the right and go underneath the low-hanging beams. There will be a sphere behind a few boxes that can be destroyed.
South of Lower Hogsfield Ancient Magic Hotspot
After investigating the area, use a broom to go into the circular section of the ruin for the first sphere. Then go to the opposite corner of the ruins and fly up until there's a wooden platform. Burn the vines to grab the last sphere.
West of Brocburrow Ancient Magic Hotspot
This hotspot is located on a wooden platform in the ruins where the map icon is. Upon investigating, fly towards the sphere across from the investigation point. There will be some vines and boxes to get rid of before players can grab the first sphere.
Go to the bottom of the ruins and look for a spinning mechanism along one of the walls. Use Depolso on the mechanism to raise an iron gate to obtain the second sphere.
There will be a doorway along the ruins that's covered in vines. Burn them and go through the doorway and Accio the box, moving it toward the wooden slabs along the side of the wall. Climb upward until you reach the last sphere.
South of Brocburrow Ancient Magic Hotspot
After investigating, burn the closest spiderweb. Follow the trail to find two spheres, killing any enemy spiders you see along the way. A wooden box will be by the investigation point. Accio it and move it to the wall beside it, climbing up the side of the building afterward. Follow the trail after climbing up to find the last point.
Southeast of Keenbridge Ancient Magic Hotspot
Upon investigating the hotspot, burn the vines at the doorway and enter. After entering, destroy the boxes to the right to get the first sphere. Move the movable box to be where the destroyed boxes were and then climb up. After climbing, there will be more destroyable boxes hiding another sphere. Continue to climb after getting the second sphere to reach the roof and then use the broom to fly to the next sphere.
Southwest of Irondale Ancient Magic Hotspot
After investigating the point, turn right after entering the ruins to find a sphere behind vines that can be burned. Use a broom to fly to the second and third spheres, using Revelio to see where they are.
North of North Feldcroft Ancient Magic Hotspot
Upon investigating, use a broom and Revelio to find the stone tower that houses the first sphere. Land on the roof and descend on foot, grabbing the second sphere as you go. Burn the vines to exit the tower, and the third sphere will be straight ahead on a staircase separate from the tower.
That’s all we have for the Ancient Magic Hotspots in Hogwarts Legacy. Let us know if you had trouble with any of them!