This Week In Valheim Cover 06-05-21

This Week in Valheim: Dying for Dioramas

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Published: June 5, 2021 11:00 AM

This Week In Valheim, we explore a mod that lets you enter a new realm, some pretty cool real-world dioramas, and an easy way to kill Deathsquitos without taking any damage. Let's dive in!

Sadly, there's no Valheim news this week once again—we're all continuing to wait for that tasty Hearth and Home update. There's still plenty to check out for now, though! Let's dive into the cool community creations, mods, and must-see moments from the last week!

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This Week in Valheim Community Creations

This week's community creations include some physical objects and a good opportunity to learn how the world works!

This Week In Valheim 06-05-21 @prepare_tf u-whengeekscraft dioramas
(Image Credit: @prepare_tf on Twitter (left & center), /u/whengeekscraft on Reddit (far right).)

I'd Diorama For You

Crafting dioramas is a tricky art form—it's difficult to take a bunch of tiny pieces and put together something that looks decent. By sheer coincidence, we have two separate dioramas from two entirely different people!

On the left and center is a tiny diorama created by @prepare_tf on Twitter; this adorable sculpture features a pair of Deer, a single Stakewall, and some grass underneath it. The game's developers liked it, too, since they gave it the honor of a retweet. Further to the right is a project created by /u/whengeekscraft on Reddit that immortalizes how much Valheim players love to see happy bees (and covers it in a neat glass case, too).

This Week In Valheim 06-05-21 Hunter's Sdream u-caeus_plays

Bloodborne Brought to Life in Valheim

Bloodborne players celebrated its anniversary earlier this year with a community-run event, but one player decided to show love for this classic FromSoftware game in a different way: recreating some iconic parts of the Hunter's Dream DLC. Check out /u/caeus_plays' work on Reddit!

Farming in Peace

One of the tougher mundane challenges in Valheim is getting set up for farming Barley and Flax. The enemies of the Plains biome are tough to deal with, even when you have max-level gear.

That's what makes this isolated Barley farm by /u/Skotcher on Reddit such a good idea: He uses a tiny Plains biome on an island for farming while placing Workbenches around the border to prevent enemies from spawning, allowing him to grow his high-level food in peace. An island home is one of the many cool things you can build in the game—check out these ideas to get inspiration for making your own!

This Week In Valheim 06-05-21 u-9spades biome infographic
(Image Credit: /u/9spades on Reddit.)

How Valheim Biomes Are Spawned, Explained

Not everything has to be about epic builds. The community can teach us things, too! /u/9spades presented a theory on Reddit about how Valheim biomes are generated, explained by the above chart. Here's how it was made:

"It's based on generating six random seed maps in the Valheim world generator ( georeferencing them into a circle with a 10km radius on a local cartesian projection in ESRI's ArcGIS, then plotting biome locations," /u/9spades said in a comment.

/u/9spades added that several other maps factored into the above infographic. Quite a few people, however, have taken issue with the infographic by stating that they have seen biomes outside of these circles, so it looks like this theory might need some more testing.

This Week In Valheim 06-05-21 u-fareastcoast333 castle village
(Image Credit: /u/fareastcoast333 on Reddit.)

Vikings Do It Big

We've shown off small builds, big builds, weird builds, and everything in-between during the course of This Week in Valheim, and this is definitely one of the bigger ones. /u/fareastcoast333 on Reddit created a massive castle and town that could probably house a couple dozen players with room to spare. I don't even want to think about how bad the frame rate might be.

...And They Do It Small, Too

On the flip side of the coin, /u/_-GH05T- showed off a challenge build on Reddit. The mission? Build as small of a village a possible, with no building larger than a 4x4 footprint. He's not the only one, mind; this build is a collaborative process featuring multiple builders on the same server.

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This Week in Valheim Mods

Modders are always cooking up something new. Here are some of the more interesting newer releases and updates from the last week!

Show Off Your Styler with MadHatter

Tired of only have a choice between a circlet or a helmet? The MadHatter mod on Thunderstore gives you nine craftable hats, each of which look pretty darn stylish. They're functional, too; each hat gives you a small bonus to your running and a resistance!

Add More Monsters with MonsterLabZ

If you're bored of fighting the same old enemies, you could always grab the MonsterLabZ mod on Nexus. Keep in mind, however, that this mod just provides assets for mod creators—you'll also need a supporting mod to actually use the creature such as The Do or Die Solo Experience on Nexus.

This Week In Valheim 06-05-21 Diving Mod

Exploring a New Realm

If you want to get rid of garbage in Valheim, you only have a handful of options: You can throw it on the ground outside of your camp, chuck it into the sea, or build a garbage dump outside of town. Sometimes, however, you'll find that you've thrown away something that you want to get back, and that can be a problem if it's deep underwater.

Enter the Valheim Diving Mod on Nexus! This mod allows you to head underwater and retrieve those important lost items (or simply explore the coastline). It's still very much a work in progress, but this early version certainly looks promising!

Repairs Made Easy

One of the downsides of survival games is the need to maintain your equipment. Valheim is pretty good about that—you can repair any equipment or structures for free. If you have a lot of damage, however, you'll find yourself spending goodness knows how long clicking away at individual pieces. Save yourself some time with the Instant Building repair mod on Nexus and simply repair all of the building pieces within a certain range at the push of a button!

This Week In Valheim 06-05-21 slice 4 Must-See Moments

Valheim Must-See Moments: May 29–June 5, 2021

Closing out the week as always is our must-see moments. Here are the epic, funny, and crazy videos we saw this week!

This Week In Valheim 06-05-21 u-V3boy Lox

You're Not Safe Here

Lox can provide you with the best meat in the game, but they can be a challenge to take down. /u/V3boy managed to get up on a rock and figured that he was safe from attack. Unfortunately, things didn't quite work out the way he hoped.

An Easy Way to Kill Deathsquitos

Deathsquitos are one of the toughest enemies to fight in the game. Thankfully, /u/TalTallon figured out a very easy way to kill them in just one hit—and you won't take any damage, either. Check it out!

Swinging For the Fences

Finally, we'll close out the week with a video that will make you even more dendrophobic than you probably were. /u/Silvew shared a video on Reddit showing some simple, peaceful woodcutting, and he learned a very harsh lesson: If the trees want to kill you, they will find a way.

We're all done with This Week in Valheim—let's keep our fingers crossed that the Hearth and Home update will arrive sooner rather than later! For now, why not take a peek at some of our Valheim guides and brush up on your knowledge of the game?

Don Parsons contributed to this article.

A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Iron Gate
Release Date
February 2, 2021 (Calendar)
Survival, RPG, Indie
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