The quarry tarot cards

The Meanings and Visions Behind Each Tarot Card in The Quarry

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Published: June 16, 2022 12:00 PM

While wandering around Hackett's Quarry, players will need to collect Tarot cards to bring back to the fortuneteller after each chapter has concluded. While some see these cards as meaningless collectibles, they are actually a vital part of the storyline that affects how the game plays out in the end. Much like the Tarot cards used by psychics and mediums in real-life, the cards within the game have deep, intricate meanings that help players understand what direction their lives might be headed in. Though, it is up to the player to decipher Eliza's riddles in the game to find the true meaning of each card in their possession.

Each card that players acquire contains a secret premonition and vision that showcases possible events the player will encounter later on down the line. At first glance, they seem like tiny little clips that hold zero value, but the information they provide is the key to survival within The Quarry. Eliza will only allow players to witness one vision per visit, so gamers need to choose wisely, lest they want to meet a horrendous fate.

This piece contains spoilers for The Quarry. If you want to know where to find all the tarot cards, check out our tarot cards collectible guide.

Eliza The Quarry

The Quarry Tarot Cards Explained

The first of many cards players will come across is The Fool, which shows players what will happen if they make Jacob break the fuel line of the van, rather than take the rotor arm. The vision clearly shows the van burst into flames, with Mr. Hackett inside, meaning this could end with one of the characters dying later on when the van is down for the count.

The Temperance card premonition shows players Emma grabbing the fireworks from the safe early on. This card isn't one of the detrimental ones, as Emma can survive without needing the fireworks down the line. Players who do choose to grab them give themselves a few extra seconds to avoid one of the Werewolves' attacks later on. 

A more vital vision Eliza shows comes with The Hanged Man card. Jacob gets snagged by one of the hunter's traps, leaving him helpless while suspended by his ankle from a tree. Players who decide to take a more friendly approach with Bobby the hunter during this scene will avoid a very intense confrontation. Instead, Bobby will help players down from the trap and smear Werewolf blood onto Jacob's face, allowing him to mask his scent and survive.

The Star card is much less important but can save players' lives if they choose not to have Emma search the bags in the treehouse scene. The vision shows Emma using her camera flash to blind one of the creatures as it leaps on top of her from a trap door. If players don't have the camera and choose not to search the bags, Emma will be mauled and killed instantly upon opening the trap door.

The Magician card can help save Dylan's life, as the vision players will see shows Ryan cutting off his hand with a chainsaw. This saves Dylan from not only turning into a Werewolf due to the infection but ensures no one will kill him off by accident if he hunts them down as a Werewolf later on.

The Strength card appears to be almost irrelevant, as it only shows a vision of Nick slamming Bobby down by his throat. Whether or not this affects Bobby's behavior later on is unknown, so this card isn't of any importance.

The Devil card on the other hand is extremely vital. The premonition this card holds shows the player that Nick's infection has taken hold, and he in turn decapitated Abi. Players can avoid this fate if they choose to shoot Nick with no hesitation, as it will not kill him, only scare him away, which saves Abi's life. 

The Hermit is another card that is crucial to character survival, as it shows Jacobs foot caught in a bear trap. While players are unable to avoid him getting caught in the trap, it is what they choose to do next that matters. When he is caught in the trap, players can choose to pull their foot loose or attempt to open the trap instead. The latter is the only way to save Jacob's life; if they attempt to pull their foot free Jacob falls head first into a trap, which triggers a very gruesome scene to take place.

Justice is yet another example of an important card. It shows Laura shooting the cop, Travis, in the gut killing him and possibly killing off several other characters later on as a consequence.

The Hierophant Card

The Moon card isn't crucial, but it is important. It shows Laura injecting Travis with a tranquilizing substance in an attempt to free her and Max from their prison cells. If she does this, Travis may end up killing Laura when she turns into a Werewolf, instead of saving her life by waiting for Ryan to shoot Mr. Hackett to break her curse.

In order to progress into the next chapter successfully, players who witness the vision of the World card will see Ryan falling into the mine shaft alone as Laura looks down from above. Players need to allow Laura to fall with him in order to reach the "good ending" of the story. 

The Chariot really isn't a card worth viewing, as it doesn't showcase any useful information, but the Lovers card shows players Laura biting Ryan's arm after she has been infected. This choice will save Ryan in the long run, as it gives him slight regenerative powers to heal from his stab wound.

While a Werewolf is attacking Bobby near the end of the game, players have a short window to shoot it, breaking the curse and saving several characters. This is showcased within the vision from the Wheel of Fortune card. 

While this sequence happens automatically if players don't kill off Constance towards the end, the Empress card shows her being mauled viciously by a Werewolf. Players' best bet is to actually kill Constance with the shotgun when they have the chance, avoiding this altogether.

Much like the previous card, The Emperor card will show Jedidiah meeting the same fate. It is best to have Laura choke him to death to avoid this scenario as well. 

The Hierophant Card

The Hierophant card is one of the most meaningful cards a player can get. This card triggers a secret cutscene, negating any other cards found in chapter nine. While it may not seem like this card is important, it shows Eliza in her true form, watching as her precious side-show burns to the ground, where she also tragically met her tragic end. This card gives players massive insight into the true intentions Eliza has, meaning how selfishly she tries to force the player to do her bidding.  

Lastly, the High Priestess card is found as players search the upstairs portion of the Hackett House, which shows a premonition of, well, nothing. Eliza no longer wishes to give insight at this point, after locating the previous card that reminds her of her son. This card really doesn't hold a lot of value, as it is near the end of the game where there is no need to trigger events that cause horrific repercussions. 

There are plenty of cards for players to collect throughout the game, but not all of them are necessary. Players enjoy the process and meaning behind the cards but not all of the premonitions are useful to the player. The Quarry is a captivating game that features horror, drama, and a vivid storyline that Supermassive Games is known for. Anyone who embarks on this journey is sure not to regret it and will uncover secrets of a curse cast upon a family only trying to do good for the world. 

Samantha Plaisance Gaming Writer
| Former Staff Writer

Samantha is an experienced Freelance Gaming Writer with a deep passion for all things gaming. At a young age, she was introduced to the wonderful world of… More about Samantha

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Supermassive Games
2K Games
Release Date
June 10, 2022 (Calendar)
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