Feral Cat Den All Articles

genesis noir

Genesis Noir is Proof That Games Are Still Innovating

Lately, I can't go a week on Twitter or Reddit without someone loudly sighing and proclaiming "video games stagnated 10 years ago," or something to that effect. Each time I, in turn, sigh loudly and…

April 6, 2021 | 12:00 EDT

Genesis Noir Header

Stop the Big Bang With Jazz in Genesis Noir

Once upon a time, the universe exploded, and that made life. Or, you know, started that process at least. I don't know the science behind the Big Bang that well. Thankfully, Genesis Noir is here to…

April 23, 2020 | 11:00 EDT

genesis noir game page featured image
Game Page

Genesis Noir

Genesis Noir is a Noir styled Cosmic Adventure where you must stop the universe from expanding in order to save your loved one. Travel through a Noir styled world and universe rife with Jazz Clubs…

September 27, 2019 | 01:03 EDT

genesis noir pcg e3 2019

PC Gaming Show E3 2019 - Genesis Noir Announcement Trailer

Feral Cat Den is next up to show off their new title Genesis Noir, this game takes place during the Big Bang. This title is meant to be "a cosmic tale of romance, black holes, and jazz music."…

June 10, 2019 | 03:48 EDT