Reviews of Bungie Developed Games

destiny 2 forsaken review header

Destiny 2: Forsaken Review - The Way Things Were Meant To Be

With the wave of disappointment that followed the launch of Destiny 2 and its two DLCs, there's little doubt that Bungie is desperately seeking a redemption story. It isn’t a good sign when the…

September 10, 2018 | 01:00 EDT

Destiny 2 Review Header

Destiny 2 Review - For Loot And Puppies!

People thought Bungie was crazy when they claimed that their first post-Halo franchise would last for a decade. After all, no one had played Destiny at that point, so who knew if it would even…

September 26, 2017 | 09:00 EDT


Destiny: Rise of Iron Review - Fresh As Rusted Iron

As Destiny kicks off its third anniversary with the release of the Rise of Iron DLC, there can be no doubt that the game has had one of the most tumultuous lifespans of any AAA release in recent…

September 24, 2016 | 09:00 EDT

Destiny Featured

Destiny Review

The wait is over (although I'm very late with the review), and Destiny is upon us - and Bungie has brought a fresh new universe and story to their fans worldwide. Destiny has been a highly…

October 6, 2014 | 10:00 EDT