Humble Bundle Amnesia Fortnight

Humble Bundles 2017 Amnesia Fortnight Bundle Is Now Live

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Published: April 07, 2017 4:15 PM

Today Humble Bundle and Double Fine have started their next game jam. Usually in a Humble Bundle you pay what you want or hit certain pricing tiers and you get access to those games, this time is a little bit different though.

Beginning a couple of days ago was the first round where after purchasing the bundle you're able to select your favorite game ideas from the list of prototypes. From the public votes the finalists will be announced. Between the 12th and the 25th of April Double Fine will create prototype games based upon four of the ideas. While one will be picked by Tim Schafer and one will be picked by the rest of the Double Fine team two of those prototypes will be based on your votes. Then at the end of the month on the 28th of April Windows versions of these prototypes will be released for you to play.

Now onto the different pricing tiers: for the "Pay What You Want" you will be given access to the four prototype games upon their completion, if you pay over $5 then you will get access to the prototype games that were created in 2012 and 2014, and if you pay over $15 then you'll get access to some of Double Fine's titles Costume Quest, Stacking, Hack 'n' Slash, Iron Brigade, and Spacebase DF-9. Additionally, you will get the Little Pink Best Buds prototype and 25% off the Double Fine Adventure Blu-Ray.

At the moment there are 25 different prototype titles that you're able to vote on. If you want more information on each of these concepts or you want to pick up the bundle yourself then you can head over to the Humble Bundle Amnesia Fortnight 2017 bundle page.

Are you excited for any of the prototypes that are on the page? Have you already got the bundle? Are there any prototypes you really don't like? Let us know in the comments below!

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew