Next Hearthstone Patch Will Remove a Number of Cards from Arena
September 10, 2016 | 05:37 EDT
Graphic and web designer by day, amateur digital artist/illustrator and writer for Techraptor by night. When I’m not doing any of those things, you can find me getting extremely angry in WoW as I watch my Moonkin get killed multiple times in PVP or drinking scotch.
Total Articles: 23
September 10, 2016 | 05:37 EDT
This story from 2016 discusses Sony's refund policy for No Man's Sky and the trouble it was causing for consumers back then.
August 21, 2016 | 06:51 EDT
July 20, 2016 | 04:00 EDT
December 16, 2015 | 05:12 EST
December 2, 2015 | 12:32 EST
June 2, 2015 | 06:36 EDT
January 27, 2015 | 01:16 EST
January 8, 2015 | 01:38 EST
Wrack is a cel-shaded FPS title that strips back most of the concerns of modern gaming to focus exclusively on hyper-fast shooter gameplay.
January 8, 2015 | 09:00 EST
January 7, 2015 | 01:29 EST